Living with a partner


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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It really dose anoy me today on the news they were saying that if you are not maried then you are not intitled to anything, so in some cases they will class you as a married couple and some that they dont its like when I got made redundent Luke was 1 so I decided I had worked since before I left school I would take a year out to bring Luke up, but I was only allowed to claim for 6 months as OH was working, when looking into benifits they will only account for rent and not a morgage, so it looked like we were left with a lot of money but we did'nt! so I had to get another job leaving Luke with my mum who is very ill as I could not aford child care and Tax credits would not pay as I wasnt working enough hours, but if I had worked any more I would not see him at all.
Then my best friend who is gay moved his partner in with him who was unimployed but they would not class them as a couple so they got single persons allowence. It just seems to me you are better of as a single perent in a rented home, as they dont like to help people who are trying as a family and trying to buy there home.
I dont know how I will manage this time as since I have been on the sick they have stopped all my tax credits for a year as they say they gave me to much, and I wont be able to work as many hours with Luke and the baby.
Sorry rant over :oops:

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