Liver function test


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I had a blood test done on Thursday as I've been feeling really dizzy, breathless, heart racing etc so wanted to check my iron levels. I've just phoned up the drs and the receptionist said that the dr had reviewed my results and my liver function test is slightly abnormal.

She said the dr had put a note that it is to be reviewed with my midwife. But my appointment isn't until 1st July and now I'm having a panic, as I don't know what this test can indicate?

Has anyone else had this? What was the outcome, am I just stressing about nothing? Don't care about me, just don't want it to be harming blump.
Phone the docs back and ask to speak to them because you are worried or call the midwife and speak to her on the phone. I'm sure its nothing to worry about or they would have called you in straightaway but don't sit and worry about it. They shouldn't just tell you stuff like that when the appt is so far off! Call them hun! xx
My midwife is only there part time. I have another scan at the hospital on Thursday morning, so I'm going to question them about what it means as they will be able to access my notes, maybe they would do more tests aswell, which would be quicker than waiting to see midwife too.

Hubby said drs would have called me in sooner if it was a major problem, so trying not to worry, but if I can't, I'm going to call them again!!

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