Little update on me.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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Im sorry iv not been on, i am exausted. this time yesterday i thought i would be holding my baby by now with contractions every few mins and very intense pain, not BH, very different, the only way i can describe them is my whole stomach went hard from top to bottom, then the back pain came on very quickly after that, then the pain circled around to my front and got stronger and tighter like a belt. it peaked then eased off slowly. i knew this was labour and very exited but starting to dread the next contraction. i had a bath it made them stronger i ate and drank, no change, i walked i sat i cleaned then suddenly it started to ease off i was so dissapointed with my body. iv been going through this for a week and half now on and off although it is thinning my cervix and dilating me it feels like my bodys playing games with me. then lastnight at about 9pm i got the pains back stronger and closer together i could hardly stand up. when i went to the toilet i had alot of preasure and a contraction came and i nearly cried it was so painfull. they were exactly 6 mins appart and was getting ready to call the middy but i was breathing through them really well even though they were alot more intense than earlier in the day. i lay down at 5am and suddenly they ease off again :wall: so i have been sleeping till 2 this afternoon trying to rest after a painfull night and no baby. very dissapointed with myself but am due for a sweep tomorrow which the middy thinks will defo work as i was 2cm at my last ap and thinned out. she thinks with all the pain i will be futher now so looking forward to seeing how much i have progressed. i will be crying with happiness when my baby finally comes !

Oh and i just want to say a huge thankyou to all the girls who posted on my last post wishing me luck, sorry for all the exitement! :doh:
hopefully not long for you now hun, hang in there
How are you doing now hun? Did I see somewhere else that you're getting a sweep today?

It can't be long now, just hang on in there and be good to yourself

you poor thing, i really feel for you.

Let's hope the sweep gets things moving properly for you now hon

Good luck today!

:hug: :hug: hope you are really progressing now and the next post we see from you is a BAby is here one hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope it won't be long now hun. I know right now 2cm doesn't sound like much but its better than not dilating at all! You are getting somewhere, hang in there hun!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey huni ive been reading your posts just wanna say best of luck and I really hope that by now your holding your baby xx

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