Little accident


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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Ok I'm a bit embarrassed but I think I actually wet myself slightly tonight in bed! I sort of jumped awake just as I did it so I reckon baby kicked me and it came out! It doesn't smell like pee at all but I think that's just because I've been drinking loads and it's diluted.

Please tell me I'm not the only one??
Lol this made me laugh but sorry to tell you it didn't happen to me x

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Lol-Ive had the most horrendous tickly cough for the past 4-6 weeks and as a result I've had to start wearing panty liners durin the day to catch the leaks-dh thinks it's hilarious x
When I had a cold before Xmas every if I sneezed while I was sitting cross legged on the sofa I would

Also while at my mums with all my brothers there they made me laugh so much I wet myself too!!!

Your not the only one!!! :)
yeah i also had a bad cough/cold at xmas and each time i sneezed or coughed id wee myself!! i ended up having to wear a pad as could soak through undies trousers etc!! xx
:rofl: it's annoying isn't it?! I have this issue very rarelybut I do get it. Last time was when I was walking through town and all of a sudden I needed a www, like NOW. And yes, I peed myself in debenhams. :blush: :rofl: x
Ok I'm a bit embarrassed but I think I actually wet myself slightly tonight in bed! I sort of jumped awake just as I did it so I reckon baby kicked me and it came out! It doesn't smell like pee at all but I think that's just because I've been drinking loads and it's diluted.

Please tell me I'm not the only one??

Loooooooooooooool!!!! Rotfl.

I've had that. I flew out the chair like superman.
I don't know if it's cos of baby headbutting my bladder but I had to shift to the bathroom cos the trickle caught me.

Caught me by surprise. Ur not alone luv
I only pee my pants when I sneeze (and if I already have to go to the toilet it is loads :() but when I don't need to go there are also a few drops. I had the same at my first pregnancy and only during the third trimester.
I had the same thing too hun...

It doesn't stop after you've had the baby either.... :( Mine got worse, especially whilst I had the winter bug. Pelvic floor excersises all the way!

I had the same thing too hun...

It doesn't stop after you've had the baby either.... :( Mine got worse, especially whilst I had the winter bug. Pelvic floor excersises all the way!


yes with me the muscles never got back to what it was (I should be doing kegels after the baby is born) because I fear I will be incontinent if baby number 2 stretches them out even more :shock:

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