Light headed...


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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Over the past few days I've been feeling really light-headed and one day I got tunnel vision and thought I was going to pass out! I don't know which is worse, my sickness or this...and I never thought I'd want my sickness back!!! Has anyone else had the same?

Dont worry, I did. I actually passed out twice, both times in a hot shower in the morning. It started with feeling light-headed, then I felt hot, then sick, then I got the tunnel vision/lights starting to cover my eyes!
The first time it was such a horrible experience, I went straight to the doctor, who said I probaly had a virus - I was only 6 weeks gone. Then it happened again about 2 weeks later. My midwife said it is fairly common, and another delightful symptom!
I havent had it since, but if I dont eat regulary, especially by lunchtime, my blood sugar crashes, and I go shakey and light-headed. I think im going to check with my midwife about diabetes.
But try not to worry - as long as you can feel it coming on, and can get yourself safe, you should be fine. Maybe try having a sugary juice drink with you, or piece of fruit, and see if that helps you feel better xxx
Thanks hun. I wondered about my blood sugar levels because usually if I have a sweet or sugary drink or something I feel better. I have diabetes in my family and have always been borderline myself so perhaps I need to have an eye kept on it. I haven't got my first midwife appointment til I'm 12 weeks so I feel a little alone sometimes with nobody to ask for advice! And my GP is a right bitch so I'm not going to her!

You sound exactly the same as me! - diabetes in the family, have always had blood sugar crashes, but never bothered to get it checked out. You can develop gestational diabetes when you are pregnant, but Ive only heard on here of people having to limit their sugar intake else the baby will end up too big.

God, knows what I would do without this forum - its the best place to ask questions. I never have any quuestions for my midwife coz i know it all from here, lol! xxx
Ha! Ah I'm glad I'm not the only one. Feeling faint really is quite horrible sometimes, especially on a train or a bus. Oh well, I suppose the symptoms remind me that baby is there at least!xx
Im sure you have nothing to worry about but to put your mind at rest mension it to your midwife xxx
i have really low blood pressure that causes me to feel faint if i get up too quickly etc.... some people only have this in pregnancy but theres not a lot you cn do im afraid x

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