Ligament Stretching Pains!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Last night I woke up at 2 am with agonizing pain down my right side. Hubby panicked cos I was flushed and sweating and then I went to toilet and had the runs (tmi).. I wouldn't have worried about a bit of diarrhea only the pain on my side was terrible and i didnt know if it was related or not!!!.

So I worked myself up into a state and we went to the maternity ward and they told me i should have gone to A&E cos they dont see anyone in maternity before 20 wks. (We were hoping maternity would see me cos the wait in A&E is often hours and hours and if your not actually dying they get annoyed that your wasting their time!)

Anyway after much kerfuffle... a midwife saw me and said I was suffering from quite bad ligament stretching pain, and the other stuff I had (the runs etc) must have been the massive roast dinner I stuffed earlier in the day and musn't have agreed with me! :oops:

She said my pelvis on my right side had moved forward out of alignment slightly. Good news was baby is fine (no bleeding) and I was given a few ligament exercises on a piece of paper to relieve the pain and help correct these symptoms which thankfully she said should be disappearing soon, so I thought I'd share them with ladies who also get stretching pains in their pelvis/hip/abdomen.

1). To tighten/strengthen lower back/ pelvis.. lie on your back with knees raised and slowly and gently tighten your buttock muscles. You should feel the intensity increase on your lower back, (but don't do it to the point where it actually hurts..) hold for a couple of seconds at a comfortable level and release (to be done 3 x daily)

2). For the pelvis, lie in the same position as above and gently contract and release the pelvic floor muscles (the ones you hold your wee!) Practice three times a day. 10 mins, 3x a day

3). For the hips, lie on one side with pillow between knees and gently get DH or OH to place both hands on your hip and very gently rock the hip back and forth an inch for 1 mins (do both hips). 1x a day.

I'm gonna do these every day now and hope they take the damn pain away :twisted:
Aww glad everthing was alright, hope you are feeling better soon :hug:

Thanks very much for the exercises I'm sure a lot of us will find them useful.

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