Libby walking!!! Video added 01/02

Wow how proud must you be! My heart was leapng when i was reading it so god help amber when she starts walking!!
Just think amber is 5 months so you never know in 4 months time ... !!

Well done all of you xx
Well done libby you clever girl can i bring willow round you can teach her for me :D seen as she has only just started to crawl.
awww Her little face when she looks up at you and her nose wrinkles up. Made me cry (yes I'm broody) :wink:

:clap: Well done beautiful girl!! :clap:
oh emma that is fantastic she is so steady on her feet. just shown luke he was fasinated, i wander if he'll get any ideas!! :lol:
Thank you everyone for your nice comments - on the plus she is wearing herself out, and not only is she going to bed half hour earlier than usual, she is straight to sleep & through the night :D

(Bet I've jinxed myself now :lol: )

jada_s - I shouldn't worry - I was walking at 10months, so I think she's just an early starter like me (although my mom tells me I didn't talk until I was 2 - making up for it now though lol)....she seems too tiny to be walking, you know?
Its lovely to find someone with a baby born same day as Libby too......whats his name? (Welcome to the forum hun :hug: )
thanks :) his name is abdullah his nan calls him abs for short i guess it is a bit of a mouthful

what a clever little poppet - youre gonna be run ragged Em haha!! :lol:
that is the cutest video I have ever seen!!!! She is sooooooo cute!! Thomas won't even stand unaided, I am sending him round to you!
awww!!! haha she looks so proud of herself!!
Awwwww I love her little smile! Brilliant video! She seems so steady already too! Clever Libby! :clap: :hug:
aww lovely video libby is so gorgeous! what a clever girl walking she not even 10 months yet u should put her in the forum awards she must be the earliest walker! :clap:
awwwww wow; how fantastic and what a great video. She looks so pleased with herself :D

Well done Libby :cheer:
aww she's so adorable, and her sweet little laugh! aww

well done libby lovepops :clap:
awww well done libby what a clever girl :clap: :clap: :clap: xxxxxx

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