Libby walking!!! Video added 01/02

Well done angel!!!! :clap: :dance: What a star!!

I was always scared we would miss Rubys first steps, but she also chose to do them when both me and OH were there!!

Isnt it just magical??? It just gets better and better now as she will start toddling eveywhere under her own steam :lol:

Big hugs proud mummy and clever Libbypops :hug: :hug:
UPDATE (31.01.2008)

Well, I now offiially have a fully fledged walking daughter.....this last week she has come on leaps and bounds with walking, although she does look too small to be walking!!
She has even tried running :shock: which hasn't been very successful, we have the whole Hermon Munster type thing going on with the arms outstretched in front of her in case she falls........I can't believe she is walking already!!!
Last night I got in from work and she walked across the lounge to me, arms outsretched, and then took fast steps the last little bit and fell into my heart melts!!!

I am sooooo proud of her :D

Think I'll take her Clarks next week for some big girls shoes :D
wow what a clever girl libby is! so proud of her and u! :cheer:
thats great em - she is so clever and walking SO early.

Get it on camera I dont believe you!!

Just kidding but can you film it cause I wanna see how cute she looks all tiny and walking
now libby can you come over and have a word in lukes ear cos my back is killing me from helping him to walk all day!! well done libs x x
jennywren said:
thats great em - she is so clever and walking SO early.

Get it on camera I dont believe you!!

Just kidding but can you film it cause I wanna see how cute she looks all tiny and walking

Video added to post 1 :D
omg that vid is adorable.. what a clever clever little girl :cheer:
Aww I love the way her arms are sticking out for balance in the video!

Cool! 8)
Omg!!!! Emmy she is adorable... the concertration(sp) on her face then she looks at the camera and that big smile she is gorgeous!!! and so clever :D :hug: :hug: :hug:
wow well done libs the vid ..she is soo proud of herself and so she should be clever girl
awww thats so cute, so clever. my lil boy was born same day as ur girl, still waiting for him to take his first steps
Awwww em, that video is adorable! What a clever clever little gorgous girl you have there :dance: :clap: :cheer: :hug: xxx
Awwww em, that video is adorable! What a clever clever little gorgous girl you have there :dance: :clap: :cheer: :hug: xxx

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