Lewis Edward Born 13 April 2008 1.15am


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Aug 20, 2007
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Well having read Anna's story and how we've followed each other through the Tri's and Grange Hill stories it is amazing how similar our stories actually ended!!

I had been going to the day unit at the Hospital because I was showing 2++ protein in the urine.

On wednesday they decided that as the protein wasn't going down, I had swelling and also my BP was really going up to what it should be for me, that I had to be admitted.

It was all a bit scary but I had my bag with me as I had expected it.

Stayed overnight on the Wednesday and an extremely nice consultant came to see me on Thursday morning - went through my blood results, and not only were my kidneys starting to not want to work properly, my liver was going the same way!. He started talking to me about inducing me on Monday, which suddenly became we're starting that day!!

Had an examination and first lot of prostin that night - was already 1cm dilated before that apparently! Had niggles that night, and contractions, but nothing that was showing baby was on the way. Next morning the next lot of Prostin was administered - had pretty much zero pain effect on me - rather disappointing! In the evening the Doctor came round to see me and I asked that I had a third lot of prostin to try - which was administered, but no pain still... however, Dr said that that dose should be enough to get the cervix in a postion to break the waters.

Saturday morning came, I was over into the delivery suite at 12pm as Dr had examined and felt he could break the waters ok. First time for me on gas and air - very interesting!!! Enjoyed it immensly! Dr was fiddling about rather uncomfortable and I said I wanted a break, ok he said, and I instantly relaxed, the gas and air hit, but he didn't take the break and the waters got broken. Advised to walk around for 2 hours which would help it all along.

Back into the Delivery Suite at 2.30pm and everything commenced. I was hooked up to the trace and also the induction drip was attached and things all started. Was on the gas and air again - but once those contractions start to get a bit more intense.. OUCH!!!! At this point I asked the midwife for advice and she said that these contractions should be happening for a minute at a time and they would get more painful! It would also be worse for me as I couldn't move off the bed due to the trace and the drip. I didn't feel the gas and air would be able to keep up so I made the decision I thought I'd never make - get the anaesthatist!!! An internal examination was performed and I was already 8cm dilated - on only gas and air! I was very proud of myself :)

Oh once that epidural hit WOW.. best thing EVER! I had to have a catheter as well - wires everwhere I tell you! However, after that it was all just so easy - I was just sat there taking everything in - odd!

At 11pm I was examined and fully dilated and ready to go. The decision was made that I would start to push at midnight. I couldn't even feel the contractions at this point so the midwife was just telling me when to push. Baby seemed to be in an odd position though.

The very very nice consultant from the beginning of the story came into the hospital to come and assess. He felt that he could get the baby out by vontouse (sp!). I was just sat there chatting and smiling with everyone! He was amazed that I was still so cheery after all that time.

I pushed, the Dr Pushed - 4 pushes and Little Lewis came into the world at 1.15am weighing 7lbs 2ozs. A paedatrician was also in the room to check him over and said he was all perfect :)

I didn't need to be cut and received no tearing.

All in all an eventful five days - but he's absolutely gorgeous!

Again, don't do this birth thing without an epidural - you just really can't imagine how bad the pain is!
yay so glad its all good :hug:
Your little bubba is no roland though!!! :hug: :hug:
Welcome to the world Lewis :hug: :hug:
Congratulations!! It is quite an encouraging brith story! I am glad the epidural was so effective and you and baby were safe and well!
congratulations hun. yes, i know, it is very painful isnt it. i didnt have the epi. sounds good though lol
Congratualtions :D

I agree about the epidural - brilliant brilliant brilliant :D
What a great story! Sounds like a lovely birth exerience :D

Congrats hun! :hug: :hug:
Congratulations on the birth of baby Lewis :cheer:

Glad everything went so well for you! We shall have to see with the epidural; I can't have one at my midwife-based unit so will have to be transferred by ambulance if I decide I want one! :shock:
Congrats, and I agree about the epi :D

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