Letting you know...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2008
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My sister has been in a car accident i just found out so i'm going to see her for a few days. Wont be on. Miss you all, leave me a PM, or a comment on my blog if u want me.

anyone near Stafford?

Speak soon, love you all, keep safe and protect those bumps, if i miss anyone moving into 3rd tri, love you lots and have fun, and to anyone who graduates from 1st tri *hello*

Chel-C x
oohh replies lol, YAH! she's fine, just in need of comapny, no danger etc, sorry should have said, she's broken two ribs and fractured her femur, but she's good to go and i fancy a good old chinwag anyways, whilst she's laid up in bed it should be easier to natter without her chasing the kids around lol.

i'm off so, see ya x
Enjoy your little break and make sure you get a good old catch up and natter, speak soon chick xxx
Enjoy your little break and make sure you get a good old catch up and natter, speak soon chick xxx
Hi BellyBump,

Sorry to hear about your sis and glad she is doing well and taking it easy. Hope you enjoy your break too.

All the best
Hi BellyBump,

Sorry to hear about your sis and glad she is doing well and taking it easy. Hope you enjoy your break too.

All the best
Hi Hun, sorry to hear about your sister. Hope she is ok. Have a nice break yourself xx
Hi Hun, sorry to hear about your sister. Hope she is ok. Have a nice break yourself xx

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