Cheerio my second tri friends!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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It's my last day today and so I spent all morning baking a cake. It's chocolate and I hope there is enough to go around as there are so many girls in here who have been amazing friends over the last few weeks. You have made me laugh and feel supported all the way. I'm going to miss this trimester as it has been brilliant fun and I suspect the most enjoyable of the three.

Sorry to be leaving you, see some of you soon and those who aren't due to join 3rd tri for a while - I'll be watching you and checking up to see how you are getting on.

Lot's of love, take care,
xxxxxxxxxxx :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Good luck Becs, we'll be keeping an eye on yout too, cant wait to see your LO

Ps. Come back if its too scary in there :shock:
Bye bye Becs,
Don't forget to keep popping in to see us xxxx
Bye Bye Becs.................

OMG your going to be on the last leg of your journey - how exciting..........

Enjoy it and Good luck

Hopefully i'll be joining you in around 6 weeks (i think)

God that sounds that ages away!

Good luck!

aww hun that cake looks YUMMY :cheer:

i'm coming to see you in a week!!! can't wait! keep me a space please :hug:

Doesn't time fly wehn you are having fun.

Yay for the last stretch! Will be joining you in 6 days :cheer:

And that cake looks so absolutely yummy :D

Bye Becs xxxxxxx
Bye Becs, hope you enjoy it over there. Have fun.

Alex xxx

Have fun over at 3rd trimister and i'll probably see you over there in about 7 weeks :rotfl:

Lots of excitement over in 3rd trimister at the moment as babylicious is about to have her baby so I keep sneeking over there to find out how shes getting on as i've known her for a few years through an old cross stitching magazine :rotfl:

anyway have fun.
Bye Becs :wave: Lovely cake :D

Have fun in tri 3, the real countdown begins now :D
Bye bye!! :wave:
Have fun, see you in there in a few weeks! :D
Aww that cake looks gorgeous!!

Good luck in your final trimester, thanks for all the posts here to help us girls out - I hope everything goes well for you :hug:

Save some room for me too-I'll be joining you in a few days!!!!
good luck chick!!
I LOVE ur cake!!!! :D
:wave: enjoy the scariness of TRI3, I've got 3 1/2 weeks yet til I'm joining you. Remember and pop back here to speak to all us girlies though
All the very best Becs and the cake looks fantastic!

I'll be joining you in a few weeks time!!! It is scary when you get to 3rd tri - it goes so quickly and I don't know about you but I'm not ready yet......have got so much to get done before!!!

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