letting off steam


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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so im sorry about this, bit of a broken record but im at my wits end and have to at least write it down:

some of you know me and my parents are hot and cold at the best of times. however we moved back to my home town and we are officially renting their old house off them whilst they move in to my step dads home just the two of them.

before we moved we agreed to let my lil brother (20) live here for 200 squid incl: bills rent food cleaning etc uner the assumption that if he doesnt help out round the house etc or doesnt pay his rent then he moves bck to my mums and we also said we dont want them round all the time coming in and out - its our house. which we got guaranteed.

HOWEVER! they come around all the time non stop. they come and drop things off but then stay for a couple fo drinks and this is nearly every single night!! My step dad is the same demands drinks but wont do it himself so needs slaving on when hes here and does nothing but insult us when he is here. And when i mentioned it to him he told us to stop being 'soft' and 'sensitive'. but its not right! so basically they have furnished house that we're renting - but after tat it will be a rental house for students or whatever. now apparently there dryer is knackered and so they are coming to pick ours up on fri (ish) and phil and i have to replaced it!! with WHAT money??? thats why you rent a furnished place cos its furnished! and so therefore despite the fact there are 3 adults and a baby in the house there is no dryer and the weather in the NW is shiiiiiite permanently raingin lol!!

on my graduation my mum called me a selfish cow cos i wouldnt let her wear my mortar board and that id been a selfish cow since going to uni came out with bitchy comments about how we raise joshua. Eg, he was getting fidgety as he hadnt been crawling all day and she said it was cos of his nappy adnd instead of waiting to finish our drinks toodled off and bragged about how good he was (hich he never is in the midst of a nappy change) and then started the same later in the restaurant - 'his nappy is making him fidget and get grouchy etc etc go a nd change him now wonder hes in a strop his nappy is dirty' and we told her and told her he doesnt get fidgety when his nappy is a mess, well change it after we finish dessert to appease her. and she kept harassing us so phil got up mid way through a dessert and when he was gone my stepdad turned around and went: "its cos of you that hes getting his nappy changed carrie' as if we dont do it! funny thing was hil (ho didnt know this) came back and declared his nappy was empty - bone bloody dry!!!!!!!!!

sorry i could go on and on and im sorry its long i just have to get it out before they come again today.....x.
omg why do they think they can take the dryer?! everything else is bad too but thats not even understandable i cant get my head round it, put ur foot down and say no and if they continue to disrespect ur wishes ull find somewhere else rented!" xxx
Thwy said at the beginning if we broke anything in the house or anything broke wed have to replace it but it would we become ours after we left which was fine but they can't just turn up and take and SD was like well you have till fri (he thinks could be tomorrow as far as he knows.) To find another................I'm just really peed off cos this everything I said I wouldn't move in or (I told them premove that I wouldn't move in if it were like that and they promised it wouldn't be. Yesterday they both turned up. Today they r turning up. Wed struggle to find somewhere else as we leave in september so its a really short lease x
They refuse to take brother back as well mow if he's being a bum cos 'he's not that bad'. Its not what they were saying when they called every week bitching and moaning. About him. He doesn't wash clean tidy cook. We let him eat our meals say for example if we cook a big lasagne or pasta bake or shepherds pie etc but he won't clean his dishes, there's a massive pile of washing dumped in the middle of the hall that he isn't doing, I had to bEG for 3 days to get his rent. He gives us 10 mintues notice he wants feeding in 10 and then rocks up with a friend and expects the friend to be fed before clearing off out. But that's just him though. Rentals say that's not bad and that we might have to drive him to a cash point for money, mighjt take a week for us to gwt it, have to harass him for it...... Why should I?? He's 20 years old but now my parents have said they won't take him back. I already have a son I do not want to molly coddle my effin brother 'cos he's not that bad' .....oh and we all sat down and had a roast dinner and crumble phil and I made he sat there and talked about his S*** and then farts etc and it was supposed to be a slightly nice meal.....

Oh and cos its my family I'm sposed to do all the talking.

I'm sorry I'm just so p***ed off. Xxx
Regarding your.brother I wouldn't cook for him if he's this disrespectful plus I would chuck his shit in his room, 20 years old, I wouldn't do his washing
Oh iv not touched the washing. Everyone says I should leave his plates around but why should we live in crtap. X
sounds like a total nightmare. You need to stand up to them and put your foot down otherwise the drama is going to continue til you move out in September... I couldn't live like that...
So an update: spoke to my stepdad about the dryer and made the point that if anything else breaks in their house does it mean that they can take it from ours and then we pay to replace it? He said no but as far as they were concerned we are renting that house unfurnished for 450 pcm. The only reason there is anything left in there is cause they 'know' we don't have anything. Which is a bit untrue as we do have some stuff but in surrey for when we get an unfurnished place we have SOME basic stuff (just hand me downs, nothing matches but nonthelessa a start). However I FREQUENTLY called them and asked what did the house come with as we woud need time to make arrangements to sort them out and was told everything(pretty much word for word) amd so consequently we thought we were renting the house amd its contents for 450 pcm. In which case my point stands if anything else breaks in their house as we only have an unfurnished house will/can they just take it??

Anyway, when SD called he said 'our dryer is jiggered I'm picking yours up'. When he came around he deniesd he said it and claims they have never had one - in which case why not tell us from the go that that was the paln. THEN he changed the story and said they THOUGHT they jad one and they don't so want ours.

They then said we could buy it off them for 50 quid - which we don't have just lying around. However our next house we planning on renting will have it in already and then eventually we have one in OUR house so we won't need it after sept/octm

So its bit of a mess tbh..........thanks for replying x and listening x

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