Letter from hospital....


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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So 2 weeks ago I began trying to find out what is happening with the post mortem and when I would find out results. I was told it could take anywhere from 9-12 weeks to hear back. All of which was never explained to me at hospital. Today I received two letters. I opened one. A letter to invite me to a memorial service next Sunday for all the parents who have lost a child in pregnancy. It choked me up. Especially as the second letter had the hospital stamp on from where our little boy was taken for a post mortem. So I knew it could be nothing else than the results of why we lost him.
I was home alone and immediately got in car and drove to see my husband at work. Handed him the enveloped and he opened it. I was in tears before he'd even unfolded the paper.

Excuse the language but it was a fucking questionnaire on what I thought of the service PALS had provided...... I was. Still am, belond belief. I rang PALS to help me find out what was happening with my baby as I had no idea who to speak with or any numbers to contact and I get this bloody questionnaire through the post with the same hospital post mark whilst waiting for such an important letter !!!!

Today has not been a good day

PP xXx
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Sounds like you have had a horrible day today and I'm so sorry you had to endure that. It seems totally out of order to me. They shouldnt be using a hospital stamo especially for something so menial as a questionnaire....
I'm so sorry your going through this hun. Ive just recently gone through something similar. We didn't have a post mortem done on our little girl but we had an investigation into care of my pregnancy so every letter we received from the hospital we thought it could be the date of the meeting and after than we thought it would be the actual report. They do take such a long time hospitals do! The report itself was such a hard read as there was so many failings on my pregnancy care it's unreal and even the care I had during my labour and c section. I hope you get some answers soon. Sending big hug xxx
Oh no, this is an awful thing to happen. Hope you get the answers you need soon *hugs* x
So sorry to hear this princesspeanut that it's terrible xx I hope you get the answers really soon ️xxx big hugs xxx
Hello. I know this thread is a few days old but I just wanted say I am sorry for your loss PP. My bf and I decided to terminate our baby last December after a scan at 13 weeks and 17 weeks showed he had major heart problems. Due to the New Year getting in the way it was over a week for the termination. I still cry almost daily. He was nearly 19 weeks and looked perfect to me. Any way it was another 6 weeks before we got the results and we met with a consultant. The cremation was 2 weeks later. The results showed multiple malformations which would have probably killed him so I know we made the right decision. Do you have a number for the midwife at the hospital? It will get easier and you will never forget your little one. Xxxx
Only just seen this.

The hospitals can be such fuck ups at times.

I'm still waiting to find out. It has been 8 weeks since MC and haven't heard a thing. The bereavement officer I spoke to 2 weeks ago said she has requested the post mortem to be urgent so I should here back within 9 weeks - instead of the normal 12. I have 1 week to go.
Every evening when I finish work, I get tensed up for getting home to a letter that hasn't appeared yet.
I just want answers or at least some sort of closure.


PP xXx
Sorry to hear about your loss Princess.
I hope you get your answers soon <3

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