Lets quit together!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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How many of you thought i meant ttc? lol

I mean those naughty things that we do/don't do that would help ttc.

I drink caffiene. A lot of caffiene.

I don't do a lot of things but i do drink copious amounts of caffiene.

I bought a decaff coffee but it tastes so good and strong that i wonder how decaff it actually is and it doesn't say on the jar :shock: I bought decaff tea but it tastes like crap.

I don't know what else to drink, besides water. What hot drink can i drink all day long that doesn't taste like grass?

Well - i'm going to quit caffiene!!! And that includes decaff and brown chocolate!

I might put in an exclusion, like a cup of tar like coffee once per week, but besides that i am starting today! Right after i finish this cuppa!
What do you do that you KNOW you shouldn't? Let's stop/or start together :D
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Don't drink decaf coffee Hun. What they have to do to it to make it decaf makes it far worse for you than normal coffee. It's not the same for decaf tea thoug, that's good for you, and eventually you do get used to the taste. I also love fennel tea, particularly dr Stuarts, yum yum. All the best with your new regime! :D
Thanks Toni, i'm gonan stop drinking decaff too - no caffiene at all :)

What do you need to stop/start? There's got to be something... ;)
Probably alcohol before I ovulate, I don't drink much but it is a vice, don't touch it after half way through my cycle but wouldn't hurt to give it up all together. Also just need to eat better, no processed foods or refined sugar. We can do it!!
i need to quit being lazy and do a bit more exercise!!! I'm not too bad and I'm moderately fit, but I do find it a struggle to get off my bum and do it.

I cut down on caffeine a couple of years ago because my dentist said it was staining my teeth really badly - I drink hot ribena quite a bit which is delicious this time of year, especially with a cinamon stick in it!

Could also do with cutting down alcohol - was really good for the first 3-4 months (cut down in preparation for trying too) but as nothing's happened I've started drinking more again
I drink hot ribena quite a bit which is delicious this time of year, especially with a cinamon stick in it!

I was gonna say warm blackcurrant too, I also like Apple tea....

I work for Whitbread so I get free Costa Coffee all day long... I have tried to cut back as at one point I was drinking 3 lattes per morning! Now am trying to have one coffee in the morning, maybe one tea and then go on to lemon and ginger or peppermint tea.
I also eat way too much junk; biscuits, choc, crisps etc... x
I love redbush tea its soo yummy with a splash of milk and a bit of sugar its naturally caffeine free and has antioxidents in it you can get it in tetleys but I like the twinnings make best, I try and drink it instead of tea and coffee.

I should stop eating so much chocolate tho but I dont know what to substitute it with??? I dont like white chocolate only milk or my fave dark! Dont think I could just quit it keeps me sane lol x
Oh Merlin, I would need to stop nearly everything i do! Stop drinking, alcohol and coffee, and smoking (very little but still) and take excercise and eat more fruit, oh and start drinking water, I never touch it.....
Starfish! :roll:

Those dirty ciggies need to go and you need to start drinking water! Every time you make a brew you have to drink a mug of water while you wait for the kettle to boil!
Oh Merlin, I would need to stop nearly everything i do! Stop drinking, alcohol and coffee, and smoking (very little but still) and take excercise and eat more fruit, oh and start drinking water, I never touch it.....

Star fish - Hurray. At last someone who is 'naughty' too! I've read loads of threads and no-one ever mentions smoking however rarely they do it. I also need to stop drinking, alcohol and coffee and SMOKING!!!!!!! Not much eother but seem to do it more after AF has arrived and then cut down again! Good luck!
Great thread - I'm gonna give up sex......NOT !!!! phew, moment of madness..... I need to give up ironing, housework in general, shopping, work....
Now that I have come back down to reality - I need to put the fork down in gereral....lost 2 stone waiting on TTC and now I'm here put on 4 lbs eek!! Due to back problem not been able to exercise which I normally do 5 days a week so if I cant exercise, better double cut out the crap. I only have say 3 cups of tea a day, stopped smoking 5 years ago, drink only very occassionally. I used to work so hard during the day it was stressing me out so I make sure I now go home at lunch time and take an hour off and relax, watch neighbours and have a bite to eat. propblem is its not a bite.....its a filled roll, a packet crisps, a bickie and anything else lurking in the kids cupboard. So what do I do? I think I should stop going home and find another way to relax at lunchtime. Ideas? If I stay in office I will just carry on working .... kills my back and then I start getting stressed cos not taking a break......
I like tea so strong it's nuclear orange and you could stand your spoon up in, and I've switched to Yorkshire Tea decaf and they taste exactly the same as normal tea to me.
Starfish! :roll:

Those dirty ciggies need to go and you need to start drinking water! Every time you make a brew you have to drink a mug of water while you wait for the kettle to boil!

It's a good idea with the kettle, like 'association'. I suppose that would bring my water intake up to two glasses a day. It's just sooo revolting. But i really worry that i do need more non alcoholic liquid, all I get really is grapefruit juice in my vodka and grapefruit, or diet coke with my bacardi, other than that most nights we just drink wine.

I feel really bad now! It sounds so awful written down :party:
Oh Merlin, I would need to stop nearly everything i do! Stop drinking, alcohol and coffee, and smoking (very little but still) and take excercise and eat more fruit, oh and start drinking water, I never touch it.....

Star fish - Hurray. At last someone who is 'naughty' too! I've read loads of threads and no-one ever mentions smoking however rarely they do it. I also need to stop drinking, alcohol and coffee and SMOKING!!!!!!! Not much eother but seem to do it more after AF has arrived and then cut down again! Good luck!

I know, no one ever mentions it, either because they are all being really good and taking it seriously and i totally respect that, or because like us you feel really bad about doing it and dont fess up.
I go out for drinks with friends either thursday or friday night every week and smoke much to much and feel like crap the next day.

But i gave nearly everything up the first three or four months we were trying and it got so depressing when every month i wasnt pregnant and i felt i had been doubly hard done by, so i decided not to take it so seriously and not be such a control freak and that it would happen, but it still hasnt so am coming full circle now..... :roll:
I think smoking and drinking is ok while ttc, by the time you get your bfp bubbs will be so small it'll essentially be a few cells so nothing developed enough to damage - it would be too depressing and miserable going through ttc and the waiting etc and not being able to have a few naughties.
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It is great to be able to fess up to bad habits! I gave up everything when i started TTC and got a BFP but then had a MC. Think that it is a kind of rebellion that makes me smoke and drink when AF arrives yet again! Am realy trying to be good now but it is hard to do it all the time when there is no sign of a BFP at all. Have to remember to live and enjoy things too or else it all gets too much and way too stressy!!!!!

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