Let's guess!!!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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when we are going to give birth!!! :D

(as you can tell i'm bored lol :lol: )

I think i am going to be about a week early so i reckon i will have Ruby around the week starting 13th October!!!!

I don't know why i think im going to be early, just have a feeling :lol: - more often than not my 'feelings' mean bugger all so i'll probably end up being late :roll: :lol:

When do you think you will pop? early or late?

i might be cheating but i have a 'feeling' im going to be late, lol!!
wishfully thinking i would like to be a couple weeks early.The way my life goes that means i will probably be late!!
im guessing 10 days late so 22nd October!
I think its gonna happen next week... Mainly cause i think they fooked my dates

We shall see...
I think mine is going to be a halloween baby so that would make him 2 days late!
my due date was 22nd of august, but i ALWAYS thought LO would arrive on the 3rd September (even at the begining when i found out our due date).....and you know whats funny, i got a call from the hospital saying i'd been booked in for induction on the night of the 2nd....which would mean that LO really would arrive on the 3rd!
I've had a really strong feeling about October 26th for ages now.. but am secretly hoping for a halloween baby (which'll be a day early) cos my first son was conceived on halloween and i think that'd be really cool :D
Well i have two due dates the 29th of september and the 2nd of october.

I think im going be a week early :pray:

My due date is 21st October but I think I'm going to be a few days late and bean will arrive on 24th October. I only think this because I was charting so I know the exact date I conceivd and 24th October is exactly 40 weeks to that date.

By the size of my bump though I don't think I'm going to last another 8 weeks and everyone else thinks I'll be early!!!
Spritzer said:
i might be cheating but i have a 'feeling' im going to be late, lol!!
Haha!! :rotfl: Me too, I don't know why... :think:

Nah, in all honestly, I reckon I'll be 10 days overdue when I pop x
I think I will be early again. My son was 6 weeks early but I reckon I will get further than that this time (I hope!). I think I will be 3 weeks early so around Oct 5th (am due Oct 25th).

Will be good to have a look at this thread after we all give birth to see how wrong we are!!!
I have a feeling I'll end up with either a Halloween or Bonfire Night baby... I'm due Oct 21 but I just know I'll be late :roll: :roll:
I think I'm gonna be quite late. I hope baby doesn't come two weeks early because thats the end of next week and I'm NOT ready.

Oh I think I'm going to be very overdue!! DH thinks (or rather hopes, so it doesn't muck up his paternity leave plan) she'll be on time or early.

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