Let Me Interpret Your Dreams

I had a really strange dream last night, i wonder if you can shed any light on it!!

My grandfather died about 5yrs ago, in my dream he had been temporarily brought back to life so that my grandmother could renew her wedding vows. He was sat in a chair alive in as much that he was breathing and blinking but he was more or less a 'vegetable'. What can this mean?

Can you make any sense of this??? Thanks
Thanks for my interpretation :D

I think the men in white coats will be coming to take me away very soon :wave:
I dreamt that there was going to be a nuclear explosion but me, OH & some other people, (who I didn't know), had transport and so were driving to a safe place. We had to stop for supplies and all the other people around had just accepted what was happening and were either continuing on as normal like they didn't realise or partying. The dream was the whole journey through towns etc. We broke down once and had to be creative in getting the van going again. I woke up just before we got to our destination. (Blasted alarm clock). I also spent a lot of time worrying about my cats because they were coming with us and I had to keep letting them out to wee.

Umm, I may have just watched too many sci-fi films.

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