Let Me Interpret Your Dreams


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Tell me what you dreamt last night and I will interpret them for you...

ETA - after a post in 3rd tri I dug out my understanding dreams bookand now want to use it some more before chuckingit back on the bookshelf :lol:
I had a horrible dream last night, I dreamt that DH had cheated on me in the past (which he never has!! I trust ihim implicitely (sp)) and had a 2 year old daughter, that I just found out about :cry:
I had a dream about being on a cruise ship but it was travelling hundreds of mils an hour through the see and through all these little passage and he kept slamming his brakes on and doing skids just missing what we had to get though :doh: (i'm going on my first cruise later this year :lol: )

also i have a recurring dream about a plane, i see it in distance and it's flying funny and I know it's going to crash but no one believes me but then it crashes and i'm so scared (i'm afraid of flying irl)

Dreaming of adultery can herald a difficult time in a relationship, where they may be some miscommunication.

Ships = business prospects. Ships or journeys by ship represent business opportunities and prospects. How rouigh the seas are will indicate how much work will be required for success.
Sea = Emotional Issues. The sea represents emotional issues - the rougher the weather and choppier the sea, the more problems you face. If you are able to sail through the sea in the course of your dream, then your problems will ease. Crossing the sea also indicates that your opportunities for sompany will increase through cross-cultural experiences.

Flying= new experiences. Flying in a dream is very common; it represents our ambitions and indicates a need for new experiences.
I had a horrible dream last night. No more birth stories just before bedtime for me!

Dreamt that i had a c-section which was really rough. Then I had to leave without evening seeing the baby. Boss picked me up and offered to take me back to hospital to visit baby. Only I was thinking I didn't want boss to see baby before even OH or mum. Even though baby had been born, I still had a bump.
My dream was that my ex had found out where me and my boyfriend lived and came and hunted us down so we jumped out of our bedroom window and hid in the shed and then he came into the shed and he was going to hurt us so I had a chainsaw and my boyfriend had some knifes and we were trying to fight him off.

Then I went to my parents house to tell them about the baby and they were all sat in the bathroom eating tea around a big table and I just blurted out I was pregnant and they all started crying.
Erm, well in my opinion my dreams are just plain ole horney, the other night i had a dream i was having a flirtation with john barrowman but i was in my pjs with the hole in the crutch and my mankey t shirt - what doeas that mena MM.

Poosibly a horney slob???
my OH told me that he dreamt last night he had to take me to hospital to have surgery done, only HE had to do it. he had to take my head off and then find a tiny mushroom inside me.

the doctors explanation was that i have too much cheese in my diet apparantly, hence why the mushroom grew :roll:
heles7 said:
I had a horrible dream last night. No more birth stories just before bedtime for me!

Dreamt that i had a c-section which was really rough. Then I had to leave without evening seeing the baby. Boss picked me up and offered to take me back to hospital to visit baby. Only I was thinking I didn't want boss to see baby before even OH or mum. Even though baby had been born, I still had a bump.

To dream of childbirth often indicates that fertility is on your mind...

:roll: Really helpful that!!
midna said:
I dreamt that me and some randoms had to swim to different islands in shark infested water but one guy didnt make it he was eaten by the shark ..thing is he was on dry land in someones driveway when he was eaten :think:

Swimming = inner emotions
Swimming represents getting in touch with your deep subconscious. The surroundings in your dream will be of importance; for instance, to swim at sea indicates greater luck than swimming in a pool. To swim nude denotes success in your current endeavours, whereas swimming with clothes on means that you are not letting others get emotionally close to you.
Gingercubes said:
My dream was that my ex had found out where me and my boyfriend lived and came and hunted us down so we jumped out of our bedroom window and hid in the shed and then he came into the shed and he was going to hurt us so I had a chainsaw and my boyfriend had some knifes and we were trying to fight him off.

Then I went to my parents house to tell them about the baby and they were all sat in the bathroom eating tea around a big table and I just blurted out I was pregnant and they all started crying.

This one's difficult to look up in the book! LOL

Fighht = A decision. A fight in a dream means you are struggling with a decision that needs to be made. The outcome in your dream will have a bearing on the success of this decision
zebrastripes said:
I dreamt I was working for a chiropracter and he started crying :shock:

Work = Domestic happiness. If you dream of work then you are actually fortelling a period of domestic bliss in which the people who surround you are prepared to help and support you.

Crying = Good news. Crying in a dream indicates that things will get better. If the person crying in your dream is an adult you will be called upon shortly to give help and advice.
I dreamt I had another baby, a little girl.

The labour was quick and easy compared to th last but I didnt remember any of it! All that happened afterwards was my husband told me that as I gave birth I had insisted on naming her Stirchley Mabbs (Stirchley is an area of Birmingham :think: ) In my dream I regretted it and felt awful that I'd made such a mistake with her name.........
mrs_tommo22 said:
Erm, well in my opinion my dreams are just plain ole horney, the other night i had a dream i was having a flirtation with john barrowman but i was in my pjs with the hole in the crutch and my mankey t shirt - what doeas that mena MM.

Poosibly a horney slob???

Sex = Fantasy. Dreams of a sexual nature are very common and act as an emotional release and as a reassurance of your sexual identity and prowess. Sex with a stranger is a common fantasy and could represent a whim for sexual experience or experimentation. Alternatively it indicates an identity crisis, where your personality is searching to consummate indiscriminately in order to understand itself better through absorbing the qualities of the person represented in the dream.
sarafet said:
my OH told me that he dreamt last night he had to take me to hospital to have surgery done, only HE had to do it. he had to take my head off and then find a tiny mushroom inside me.

the doctors explanation was that i have too much cheese in my diet apparantly, hence why the mushroom grew :roll:

Surgery = change in lifestyle. If you dream you are having surgery or even performing surgery on someone then it indicates unexpected changes of lifestyle for you. The areas of the body will have significance that will enlighten you on the meaning of the dream.

Head = where the head is prominent in a dream it is a message to focus the mind and bring your thoughts together.

Mushroom = financial rewards

Cheese = a warning
Lola's Mummy said:
I dreamt that i took a pregnancy test and it was a BFP! :shock:

Pregnancy = fertility. To dream of pregnancy may indicate that youare actually going to have a baby. However it may be the body's way of telling the mind that changes need to be made. On the other hand pregnancy in a dream can be a warning against infidelity.
Minxy said:
I dreamt I had another baby, a little girl.

The labour was quick and easy compared to th last but I didnt remember any of it! All that happened afterwards was my husband told me that as I gave birth I had insisted on naming her Stirchley Mabbs (Stirchley is an area of Birmingham :think: ) In my dream I regretted it and felt awful that I'd made such a mistake with her name.........

Childbirth = fertility. Childbirth often indicates that fertility is on your mind and could bring news about a forthcoming pregnancy. If you are not pregnant and are not planning to become pregnant, then this dream indicates accomplishments in work that you are about to undertake: they will be successful but a lot of hard work will be required.

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