leg cramps


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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:wave: I have had a really bad night and was getting really painful leg cramps. Is it hormones that cause it? Is there anything I can do to avoid it? please help it's still hurting...
It's really normal to get leg cramps while pregnant. Apparently eating bananas helps. I use to wake in the night with terrible cramps while carrying my daughter. The quickest way I found to get rid of the cramp was to wriggle my toes and it soon went. Poor you, I know how horrible it is :hug:
This happened to me for the first time the other night. Was the worst pain i felt in my left leg ever.
I had to wriggle my toes for it to ease but seemed to take ages to go.
Also the muscle in my leg felt bruised for a few days afterwards too, not nice.

Send you some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
I had them from 25 weeks up until i had my baby, but main thing that helped me was doing some leg exercises before bed! try it hun!
Arrgh I get this loads. The quickest way I can get rid is by straightning my leg and pulling my toes up!!
Im glad OH is away, he crap himself if he saw the way they wake me up, rolling around on bed giving it "ARGGGHHHH B*£tard!!" :roll:
Thanks girls for your replies. My leg muscle feels still very sore, I am afraid that the cramp might come back at any time.. what a pain :wall:
Petra said:
Thanks girls for your replies. My leg muscle feels still very sore, I am afraid that the cramp might come back at any time.. what a pain :wall:

Aww mine hurts for the rest of the day after a "cramp attack", it prolly wont come back now, its just reminding you it "got you" earlier :wall:
I had them too, for the whole pregnancy. Stopped the night she was born!
Ouch! So painful, I'm getting them too. Last time I ended up getting them in just about every muscle in my leg and thighs- including my toes- I never know which way to bend them and usually wake up swearing but OH used to play a lot of rugby so he's actually very good at giving me directions.

When not pregnant quinine (found in tonic water) is supposed to be good and when I get them I drink some of that and they go- not sure if there's a medical reason why it works and I don't know how much is ok in pregnancy but I guess it must be otherwise we'd be warned not to drink it right?


p.s. just looked it up and quinine pills are not good to take while pregnant and they say that the small amount in tonic water isn't enough to affect it anyway. I reckon it does but then wonder if I should be drinking tonic water? This pregnancy lark is fun eh? People recommend leg stretches before sleep so that might be the way to go
I've been having leg cramps for 2 weeks now (ie from 23 weeks) and I find that my muscles are still sore the next day. I mentioned it to someone at work today and they also suggested tonic water. As what Rosebay has said, I'm also not sure whether it is ok to take so might just try to put up with the cramps for now. :?
Ooooh, im dreading being woken up by cramp in the middle of the night. I had it with my first 2 so know i will get it at some point soon.
Ive been told to drink milk and eat bananas. Ive noticed that the last few times I have had cramp I havent eaten a banana during the day (not sure about milk though). Could be coincidence but I dont notice that I havent had cramp when I have been eating bananas.

Think I seen a post about cramp somewhere on here, possibly when I was being nosey in third tri.
That's interesting about the bananas as when I was pregnant with Elliott they were my major craving (I was eating 6 or 7 a day at one point!) but I had a lot of cramps which I don't have this time- I wonder if my body was craving what it needed last time then?


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