I woke up last night about 3.30 am screaming!
I didn't even realise it was me straight away. I had suddenly developed cramp in my left calf, which had woken me up (I went to sleep at midnight). It went away fairly quickly, but I have had an aching leg all day. It even came back at work this afternoon, but as I was teaching I could walk around the classroom to get rid of it (think kids thought I was desperate for the loo!)
I've read that it is quite common and I'm just relieved it's not DVT (I think!). I was practicing PVExercises before I went to bed and I'm still not sure I'm doing them right, so perhaps I somehow tensed up my leg muscles by accident. Also, I've gone from wearing constant heels to constant flat shoes for a week or so now, so maybe my tendons are getting used to a new position?
Anyone had this and any ideas for prevention?

I've read that it is quite common and I'm just relieved it's not DVT (I think!). I was practicing PVExercises before I went to bed and I'm still not sure I'm doing them right, so perhaps I somehow tensed up my leg muscles by accident. Also, I've gone from wearing constant heels to constant flat shoes for a week or so now, so maybe my tendons are getting used to a new position?
Anyone had this and any ideas for prevention?