Leg cramps


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
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I woke up last night about 3.30 am screaming! :shock: I didn't even realise it was me straight away. I had suddenly developed cramp in my left calf, which had woken me up (I went to sleep at midnight). It went away fairly quickly, but I have had an aching leg all day. It even came back at work this afternoon, but as I was teaching I could walk around the classroom to get rid of it (think kids thought I was desperate for the loo!)

I've read that it is quite common and I'm just relieved it's not DVT (I think!). I was practicing PVExercises before I went to bed and I'm still not sure I'm doing them right, so perhaps I somehow tensed up my leg muscles by accident. Also, I've gone from wearing constant heels to constant flat shoes for a week or so now, so maybe my tendons are getting used to a new position?

Anyone had this and any ideas for prevention? :think:
I have exactly the same problem so I am glad you posted this!!

I often wake up in agony. It tends to be in my left leg only for some reason!
oh no calf cramps are horrendously painful!!!! I seem to be getting them in my hip/thigh, the bit that presses into the mattress when you life sideways.. Seeing as I can only lie left or right now I get sore both sides intermittently, its driving me mad but im not sure if its a cramp or just a bedsore ache type thing...is there any prevfention for these type of things apart from massage???
try eating salt a year ago befor ei was pg i was getting really bad cramps in my legs for reasons unknown my dad said put some salt in our sandwishes so you dont taste it and it worked after a few days nomore cramps :)
manda xx
I got these early on in my pregnancy and just happened to have got back from holiday in America so i thought i had a dvt! It was so painful and i still get them occasionally now. I have no idea why you get them or what you can do about it- so im not much help really!
take soluble magnesium supplements, that'll sort it out........ :hug:
drink tonic water, its got quinine in, which is what dr would prescribe for leg cramps
apparently your not supposed to take quineen..but ive got 1 bottle of tonic water here coz when i get leg cramps i get them for days in a row then they go.. ive also been advised to drink a glass of milk b4 bed.. salt is a good idea to, as cramp is a buildup of lactic acid and salt helps it to clear quicker..

so theres a few things you can try.. also.. think aobut the way your legs are reasting on each other stopping blood dupply will make cramps come.. also.. not sure if high heels will make a difference or not???

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