Leg Cramps - Any Tips to prevent?

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi girls, I know I got this with my other pregnancys, but didn't remember it starting this early on.

I wake up and move my legs and they cramp or I get a narrow escape for a big cramp, and it has happened about twice a night for a couple of days.

Anyone have a way to prevent it, before it gets to the painfull after a cramp stage (tight leg all day thing)

I remember eating more bananas for more pottasium last time, but can't remember if it actually helped?

Anyone got any tips? Thanks girls
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Peppermint foot balm! I've not tried it myself but it was reccomended to me when k was in plaster cos they can get awful cramps with not being able to move their legs!
I always found tonic water helped - some people say you should avoid it in pregnancy but my mw said as long as you don't drink more than a litre a day it's fine x
Stretching your legs before bed works, i have a few times woken my other half begging him to stregth my leg in the middle of the night. Don't whatever you do is point your toes, it makes it worse!
Oh hunny i can sympathise.
Sorry can't help but am sure there's some herbal remedies about.
I've got this to come,my oh used to think I'd gone crazy wen I'd suddenly jump out of bed stamping my feet lol xx
Stretching your legs. When I wake up with it I instantly stretch my leg to get rid of it, hurts like mad but gets rid of it quickly!
I used to suffer really bad with cramps and the doctor told me to drink bitter lemon pop or anything that's got quinine in.... Not sure if you'll be able to have that during pregnancy though so you'd have to check with midwife, but if its allowed it works wonders!!x
Do you eat much salt? Sometimes too little can cause cramps but not sure if this applies in pregnancy. Hope it disappears xx
i was going to say the same about salt lack of it causes a build up of lactic acid so just try increasing your intake especially if youve cut it all out due to pregnancy xxx
o i hate leg cramps so annoying, i found stretching my legs and swirling my foot round and round to stretch it helps, also wearing a pair of socks to bed sounds silly but sometimes the cramp felt like id a chill up my leg gd luck xxx
oh thats not good im not that bed yet thankfully but hope ur okay x
Hey hun....tonic water or banana before u go to sleep they say that helps. Or then rubbing peppermint lotion on legs before sleeping...or massaging with oil. Or then stretching or doing some kind of exercise helps too hun...xx
I have no idea what the answer is, but i have been suffer this weekend and my calf just feels so bruised now.

I wouldn't mind the first night it happend a banana and been out for the evening and been drinking tonic water, so that can't be the cause. Normal i do have a little extra salt in my food, but have cut right back, so have been making sure i have a little extra and see if that helps.

I think the worse part is waking up fully just before it happens

I didn't know that you shouldn't drinking to much tonic water whilst pregnant, what is the reason for that?? That is the one drink i have been craving, now worried i have been drinking way to much of it, OOOPPPPSSSS. Better find out.
Hey hun....tonic water or banana before u go to sleep they say that helps. Or then rubbing peppermint lotion on legs before sleeping...or massaging with oil. Or then stretching or doing some kind of exercise helps too hun...xx

Thanks girls for all your sugestions, will give them a try and see which works for me

So before bed , large glass tonic water, with quinine in, and then munch on a packet of salt and vinegar crisps , followed up with a banana and get oh to rub/ stretch legs using pepermint oil, and I should be covered ! Perfect ,that should be a doddle:lol:
I get this all the the time well used to, until I started eating a banana before bed and then had a small glass of bitter lemon and it helps alot, also if I get it I get my OH to stretch my leg, bloody painful but it helps instantly x
lol JJ mum...make the most of it...Im sure the OH will be of some assistance. I dont dare ask OH...makes it so much worse!!! big heavy hands lol xx

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