Left breast drying up..help :-(


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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I'm feeling a bit teary at the moment, I thought breastfeeding was going really well with Ella at first. I will use one boob for one feed then the other for the next if you see what I mean, she doesn't favour any particular one. These last few days I've had my concerns about the left one, it seems to be drying up. The breast pad is dry all day, and I can't squeeze a drop out whereas it's a completely different story with the right boob. If I try to feed Ella using the left boob she fusses..I think she gets something out of it but my nipple is so sore and she is never content after. I know some womens milk can dry up early but can it happen in just one? :cry:
:hug: First of all.

Now when you say drying up, is there absolutly nothing coming out?

How does that breast feel?

The other thing hun it is actualy very rare for a womens milk supply to dry up suddenly this early.

I had less milk on one side, I suggest you pump the side she wont feed on at every feed, this help you get a let down while the baby is feeding on the other.

Eat plenty of oats, fruit and veg, its great for your supply.

Spend a day or so in bed with a dvd, skin to skin with her and try to bring back a supply int he other breast.

This is not unccommon and is just one little hurdle, honeslty please do not stress you are doing brilliantly!!

Thanks for your reply. Absolutely nothing coming out of my left one, breast feels normal..I've tried expressing using my hand and nothing is coming out. The right one is fine, very leaky before and after feeds and the pad is heavy from leakage but the left is bone dry. She will latch onto the left side but it's very sore and she isn't satisfied afterwards. I'm glad it's uncommon for it to dry up, I will persevere..we were doing so well until this :(
:hug: You are doing well.

Ok have you got a pump? because for this you really will need too, or you will have to get your bubba to keep going on.

You need to pump at every feed, and at any other time, I am pretty certian this will work.

Your milk doesnt just dry up like this, it might be that she didnt have as good a latch on the side so the breast milk production over the time is made to be lower, there are lots of reasons.

Please will you also get in touch with your hv on monday and get her to pass you onto a lactation cosultant.

I also highley recommend that you give the breastfeeding support network a ring

0844 20 909 20

I think they are even open now, if not ring them tomorrow, please ring them hunny they are very helpfull! and willt alk you through everything you need to know, please :hug:

PM me if you need anything,I am more than happy to help.

Please dont stress, your are doing just fine, I promice :hug:
Thank you :) Things are getting better, it must have just been a phase. I've been expressing (Ouch!!) and starting Ella on my left breast for each feed and the milk is definately increasing again :) I'm going to try somehow to get her latched on a bit better to the left breast to make sure the supply doesn't decrease again..I'm sorry for getting so worked up about it, BF'ing is just really important to me and I would be heartbroken if I had to stop this early. Thanks for all your advice, and the phone number :D
Aww bless you :hug:

You are doing so well, how about trying a football/rubgy ball hold?

Search it, i found Oli fed off the side she didnt like that much more when I did it.

Good luck and if there are any more problems please pm me.


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