

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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I hope you don't mind but I just read you are a hairdresser! I really need my hair cut as I have a christening and a wedding coming up but I couldn't get an appointment in a modern salon anywhere. In the end I've made an appointment with an older lady and I'm a bit worried as she didn't look so modern. I feel awful being judgemental but do you think she will know what I want? I have very long wavy hair and want some layers put in around my face and at the back to stop it being so heavy. Dom you think if I take a pic with me it will be ok? Sorry if I seem horrible :lol:
sorry to but in, but im the same. when posh spice was in spice girls with the short spikey hair i asked an old lady whos a hairdresser to cut it like hers :shock: with some thick chunky blonde bits she done thin lil streaks with a cap and shaved all the back it was like David beckhams yrs ago. il never ever let a old birl touch it again :lol:

il try and stick to a young trendy hair dressers as they no whats more moden :D
sorry im butting in aswell, im a hairdresser aswell but probably not as experienced as layla. But I know what you mean about the older hairdressers. They are meant to go back to college to review their skills every so often, if they dont work in a salon. But they never do so all they end up doing is old fashioned styles, or styles they like and not their clients. But maybe take her a picture and tell her that what you want it like. Shes a hairdresser so will be able to give you what you want. Just keep talking to her about it all the way through. :D

normaly i would stick to younger hairdresser, as violet said, hairdressers need to do updateing course every few years to keep up with the growing trends but alot of them dont, esp if its a small salon.
if i went back in to hairdressing now i would have to do a course too, just to bring me up to date with cuts.


by the sounds of it, you only want feathers and a few long layers, which is a basic cut, every hairdresser knows how to do this, its a classic cut that never goes out of fasion so i think you will be ok to go to her, take a pic just to be sure tho.

hope it goes ok

Thanks for your replies, Dionne you have scared me but if I don't go I wont get my haircut at all and I'm dying to have it done!

Ooh once it gets out there are two hairdressers on the forum you'll be inundated with questions, might even have to have a new section :lol:
Yeah im a beauty therapist so perhaps we can start a mini advice salon he he!
Feel terrible now! I love my new haircut, she did exactly what I wanted, asked loads of questions and made it all straight for me! I think she was happy to do something different. Thanks for all the advice :D

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