Cat&Noah said:Arnt you lot a tight fisted bunch!
I tip everyone, Unless the service has been bad, than I dont, but if staff are polite and curteous and prompt I always tip everything. At the end of the day they are on minimum wage normally, and they are runnin around after us waiting on us hand and foot, even if they get rude and obnoxious customers they have to smile and be polite, so I think they deserve a little extra.

I always tip at restaurants (unless the service is really bad). I was a waitress once and it was the most thankless and unrewarding job I have ever had. Not only are the wages terrible in the catering industry but you work the most unsociable hours, evenings and weekends. And believe me, you work! You are on your feet running around from the moment you get there to the moment you leave. Never again!