Laura_C C-section updates *Baby Girl is here!!! Picture added!*


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Thought I'd start this thread early so we can all get the good lucks in now! Laura is going in at 7:30am tomorrow to have her little baby girl :love:

Good Luck and hope everything goes smoothly and fast for you all. Can't wait to hear how it all goes :love:

I'll be updating the first post with any news and Ive posted this in labour and birth as well :D

7:30am - She's at the hospital now and said she would update when she can. This is also her last bump pic she took this morning before leaving at 39+2 :yay:

9:15am - Just got a text from Laura ''All booked in and prepped for theater, surgeon thinks I should be going down before lunchtime subject to others going to plan. Just sat waiting with the lady who is in just before me'' Ive told her that we're all sending her luck and hopefully she might be holding her little girl sooner than she thought :)

3pm - Laura just text to say baby Sophia is here! She weighs 8lb 5oz and is gorgeous. Born around 1pm but no exact time yet. Shes feeding well and hasn't stopped yet :D

Congratulations Laura and Happy Birthday baby Sophia!!! :pompom:
Here's a picture of the beautiful Sophia! :love:


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Good luck !!! wont be long till your little girl is in your arms !!! xxx
best of luck hun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goodluck hunny, cant wait to see your updates.
You will soon have your little lady in your arms :) x x

Thanks girls, don't think I'm gonna get much sleep tonight!
Lots and lots of luck laura and you'll be holding baby before you know it :love: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww Good Luck!!! Looking forward to seeing some piccies :D xxx

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Good luck, this time tomorrow you will have your little girl, how exciting xx
Lots of good luck!!

What time does it all start?

I'll be thread stalking tomorrow!!

Best of luck sweetie will be thinking of you tomoro. Very exciting xxxx

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