Late period, possibly pregnant?


May 11, 2011
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Hello one and all!

Well this is very strange to be posting this up! Im 20 yr old and have been with my parnter over 12 months.. We use the pull out method, now i no its not sensible and is one of the most common causes of pregnancy but to be honest its what we both really want and if it happens it happens, were not trying but were excited!

I last came on my period on the 31st march, i was on for about 5 days, so my next period was due around the 26th of march so i am now 13 days late, 2 weeks late tomorrow...

My symptoms have only just started this last weeks... I have been getting a really bad itchy left nipple, very uncomfotable and disturbing, last 3 days i have had thick white discharge where i have even had to change my underwear its been that bad, also this last 3 days my mood is unbelievable, i feel so down in the dumps, stressing and snapping at everything, i am a smoker but have completely gone of cigs, not had a cig in 2 days and for the last 2 nights i have been waking up sweating in bed where my body is literally throbbing with heat and i am having like 12hours sleep lately!

I have done x2 tests and they are both coming up negative, do tests really work that well? Is a 1st response test worth getting? Or wait longer and go get a blood test?
Some tests are more reliable than others, however by 2 weeks late I would have thought most of the tests should show something by now. Having said that you do hear of people who don't get postives for a substantial time into their pregnancies. I would suggest going to your GP to get a blood test done - although the first thing they will ask is if you have done a urine test so probably best to do one before going. I think first response are the ones that most people on here are happy to recommend. I haven't had a positive yet so can't tell you how good they are!

Good luck!
I agree with Secrethope in that if you were pregnant you would have a positive test by now. It wouldn't matter what test, any test is going to pick up at 28 DPO.

So, i guess i want to know if you have any idea when you actually ovulate in relation to your cycle?

It could just be that for some reason you haven't ovulated when you normally do, maybe haven't even ovulated at all, so you period has gone AWOL.

Do you regularly chart your cycles - have you ever had a particularly long or short cycle before?

Either you ovulated late and are therefore testing too early or if you ovulated when you normally do then you're not pregnant.
I use to be on the pill injection years ago, my periods were all over the place for a few months after but been fine since, infact last year i was a week over but was fine, thats it?

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