Last night was horrible

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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William is teething and last night was awful. He started screaming at 7 and other than during his bath, he screamed for most of the evening until we got him off to sleep. His cheeks have been bright red today as well so I'm dreading tonight :( he's already started fussing :( It was so awful, OH was walking round trying to soothe him and it was as tho he was looking at me as if to say 'help mummy' so I was in tears!! :(

:( poor Will. Phoebe has been going through the same. Have you tried giving him a bit of calpol? x

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Aw hun its horrible isnt it, when Angel gets like that I cry too its not very nice. I did give her some Calpol the other day and it seemed to work quite well, along with some Bonjela teething gel xx
Aww... Poor thing. Hope tonight is a bit better for you all. Xx

Hope you have a better night tonight.

I know how hard it is

My OH refuses to give calpol :cry: we argue about it loads but hes just been screaming the past 45mins so iv given him some. OH makes me so angry about it xx
Omg it doesn't seem two min since you had him, how early do babies teeth :(
Fx calpol takes effect and helps to soothe him x
Poor wiiliam! Y is ur OH funny about calpol?...If ur baby is in pain then he needs something to help ease that surely? Just like we'd take paracetamol if we had a headache or something! Good on u for giving it to him xx
I'm going through the exact same thing although my LO is currently getting 6 teeth through, has a cold and is struggling with the clocks changing. To top all that off my OH has been away all week and LO got ill the day after OH went away. I've had zero sleep for 3 nights and am having to drive LO around to get him to sleep night and day. I've been using calpol like it's going out of fashion to try and give him some pain relief.
Hope you get a better night tonight hun.
Dreading this as well :(! Hope you have a better night. Have you got the teething rings? I don't know if theyll be much help at his age though :(
Poor little man :(
Would definatly recommend calpol, hope tonight is better hun. Xx
How come he's funny about Calpol hun? And like Hunnie said the teething rings are quite good or sometimes I just offer Angel my little finger to chew on which she appreciates. I know how you feel hun, you just wish you could take the pain away from them, poor babas :( xx
poor you, hope it gets better soon. Holly's first two teeth came through over a week then she settled again so there is an end in sight.
Roo sounds like you are having a nightmare.OH seems to think calpol is no good for them, thinks we shouldn't medicate babies unless it's extreme he used To moan when I gave gripe water!! He's such nob!! I keep saying that he takes paracetemol for a hangover yet my baby is expected to ride thru the pain.

Good news is I gave calpol and he's been much better since :)

Glad he's more settled hun. OH's can b a real pain in the bum sometimes! Ur his mummy and u know best, the fact that calpol helped should prove ur case! Fx for a good night xx
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:yay: glad the calpols worked! Phoebe has been screaming the place down all evening, calpol wouldn't touch her tonight. She's finally zonked out now, tired herself out I think, poor thing :(
I wouldn't use calpol for every little thing (I worry she'd build up some sort of immunity to it) but if they're in obvious pain and nothing else consoles them it's the best thing xx
Thanks girls xx

Aw poor phoebes! Is that coz of her teeth? U never expect it to be this hard til u go thru it xx
Yeah she's been teething since she was 9 weeks old now, she's now 16 weeks. I wish they'd hurry up and come through already! She seems to be suffering every day with it, some days being worse than others, tonights been terrible :(

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