Could teething cause


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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My LO to wake up more or less every bloody hour . The past two nights he has been really bad but last night was the worst. No word of a lie she was up every bloody hour I know she is teething as her cheeks are bright red and she is dribbling loads .


Yep my friends l/o was the same. She says it's worse than when he was new born x
Yeh, think the night waking is quite a common teething thing. We find a dose of calpol before bed tends to help.....I c ur LO is around 4 months so could b the sleep regression thing as well as teeth! Tough time xx
Yep my friends l/o was the same. She says it's worse than when he was new born x

I agree lol at least when she was a new born she would go 3 hours . I find it so hard to settle her thou when she wakes she will only resettle laying on my chest x

Yeh, think the night waking is quite a common teething thing. We find a dose of calpol before bed tends to help.....I c ur LO is around 4 months so could b the sleep regression thing as well as teeth! Tough time xx

I will try the capol tonight x

Oz wakes continuously through the night when he's teething, now we know the signs we give calprofen before he goes to sleep so it allows him to get into a deep enough sleep without teeth aggrevating him, then he either sleeps until 4/5 or goes right through til getting up time. Unless the teeth are really bad that is!

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