Last Day in Tri-1 today


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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The time has come for me to go over to tri-2 tomorrow ladies...finally! Im really going to miss all you lovely ladies but im not going to miss the all worries, i will pop back in to see how you are all getting on and before you know it you will be joining me :)
Just wanted to say a massive thank you for all you support over the last few weeks, its been amazing and I wouldnt of got through it without you all :friends: x x

Just decided to make the jump myself, see you there x
See you over there tomorrow Sarah, cant wait :) x x

Well done M2A I think it's going to fly by now and we will be looking out for your labour watch in no time at all!! X
Thanks Jodie, i really hope it does fly by :) Ive got loads to look forward inbetween now and October to keep me busy. Hope you and you gorgeous little girl are well x x

I can't believe how quickly it's gone hun, so happy for you :hugs:

Thanks Traci and Kezza, cant believe its actually time :) it feels like its gone really slow because of all the scares and worries but on the other hand when you think of it as 3 months its gone quite quick x x
See u over there hopefully in a couple months Hun xx
Oh for goodness sake! I've only just got here! and now you're off?

I selfishly want you to stay!

On the other hand I'm so pleased for you that you are out of these first scary weeks and into the bit where you are supposed to 'bloom' and relax a bit. Its really great that you safely got through it.

I just hope I chase you into Tri2 soon, just in time for you leaving again ;-)
Thanks ladies :)

We never seem to spend very long in the same section do we Starfish?, hopefully this time we will follow each other from tri-1 into tri-2 and then into tri-3. I will be popping back in to check how your getting on over the next few weeks before you join me over there :) x x

oh my god! where has the time gone????

oh i feel like i have ages yet!!! and yours just flew by!!!

:love: :hugs:
oh my god! where has the time gone????

oh i feel like i have ages yet!!! and yours just flew by!!!

:love: :hugs:

I think everyone else pregnancies seem to fly by but when it come to your own you think it goes really slow. Im sure youll be in tri-2 before you know it hunny :) x x

oh my god! where has the time gone????

oh i feel like i have ages yet!!! and yours just flew by!!!

:love: :hugs:

I think everyone else pregnancies seem to fly by but when it come to your own you think it goes really slow. Im sure youll be in tri-2 before you know it hunny :) x x

feels like yesterday you made your bfp announcment!
i can't wait to have tri 1 over and done with!! it's so nerve wrecking!!

good luck with tri 2 hun. x x x x x x x x x

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