last day at work


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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so the day has finally come. it's an odd feeling. iv'e been really looking forward to it and now it's here i feel abit emotional about it. i have got quite close to some of my work friends especially considering i only started 1st november and originally hated my job.

it is only down the road so i can go and visit but am kinda scared i'm going to go insane and be very lonely as this is the start of me just being home by myself everyday.

oh well i'm sure will be fine. going to have plenty to do. and now it seems like my like man is going to be here even sooner. xxx
Good luck with your last day hun. Enjoy the time off as well! Are you planning on joining any mum and baby groups? Oh did I miss something, why might baby be here sooner???

Oh hun well done I hope you have a lovely.last day.. x x
Awww I know how you feel hun! I have mixed feeling about starting my Maternity leave too!

Enjoy your last day - the unknown is always daunting but before you know it you will wonder how you ever had the time to work lol

Hope your last day goes well. I'm sure you will find lots to keep you occupied. xx
I finish up tomorrow and I feel exactly the same way!! I will be coming back to a different job after my matty leave so I am taking all my personal stuff home with me and it is really weird. My hubby thinks that I will be phoning him 142 times a day - I think that I will be really bored!! LOL

Enjoy ur last day and the next few days/weeks - it seems that it will be the last peace and quiet that we all get for a while :)
Jealous! :) Enjoy honey! I'd love to be off! You've still got so much time it's fantastic! Why might bubs come early?

ooo I'm so jealous! the weather is lovely too. enjoy it!
thanks all. it was ok today. held back the tears but feels very odd knowing i won't be getting up to go in tomorrow.

baby isn't coming early well not that i'm aware of just seems now i finished work it will seem to come round sooner as feels like i'm almost there now.

got my 28 week midwife appointment tomorrow. 2 weeks late but hey ho. hopefully everythings ok. xxxx
thanks all. it was ok today. held back the tears but feels very odd knowing i won't be getting up to go in tomorrow.

baby isn't coming early well not that i'm aware of just seems now i finished work it will seem to come round sooner as feels like i'm almost there now.

got my 28 week midwife appointment tomorrow. 2 weeks late but hey ho. hopefully everythings ok. xxxx

Ohhhh...I was being a bit dim! Good luck for your appointment tomorrow honey!


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