Last Baby for Little Miss Pink, SamanthaJayne and Me

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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As above, cant beleive I have finally got my last baby on the ticker this is getting so excited. Congrats to the other girls due on the same day as well.

Not long to go now!!!! :)
oh cool that means i get mine this week!

congrats girls,not long until the pain train now.

Congratu;ations girls, on the home stretch now.

Not long to meet LO's :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Alex xxx
oh wow!!! :shock: once again thx for pointing this out i wouldn't have noticed :lol:

congrats to you girls too :hug: really isn't long to go now and i am so happy to have made it :cheer:

wonder who will pop first :D are we still having a race :rotfl:
congrats!! not long to go now at all.... :cheer:
:cheer: Congratulations ladies!!!

Eek... I looked at the days left on your tickers, I am a week away from last baby as well!! :shock: Can I go on pause for a little while? :lol:
Thanks everyone, cant quite beleivce we are here and SamanthaJayne the race is definately on :)
Congrats everyone :clap: :clap: :clap: Cant wait to meet little one :cheer: :cheer:
I got confused and thought u meant you're not planning any more ids lol!

how do you feel are you excited nervous??

Congrats either way

Woop Woop!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I cannot believe its last baby time!!!!! YAY!

Congratulations other last baby girlies!!! Were on the home stretch now!!! Its a race to the finish! Although i'm so unprepared this is one race i'd be happy to come last on i think!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Little miss pink said:
Were on the home stretch now!!! Its a race to the finish! Although i'm so unprepared this is one race i'd be happy to come last on i think!

i know what you mean by being unprepared. i'm more or less prepared for baby now (thx to my mum and family) but i'm no where near prepared myself. i haven't even got a bag ready for hospital yet. i haven't bought a bag or stuff to put in it yet :|
First Baby White said:
Thanks everyone, cant quite beleivce we are here and SamanthaJayne the race is definately on :)

can't help but feel excited now :cheer:

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