Last Square!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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I finally reached the last square on my ticker - not long now! A friend from our parentcraft classes has just given birth, so it looks like it actually WILL happen :shock: So excited :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Anyone else due early Feb? I know there's LOADS in late Feb.
Its so weird seing the last box..I jumped out of my skin when mine did, it was like "Wow, when did that happen, where does the time go??? :shock: )

Not long now hunny, its the final countdown...da na na na, da na na na na.... :cheer:
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sorry I hate Europe! Very appropriate though. Hmmm have started on raspberry leaf tea, am doing 200 PVE's a day, got a really dodgy tum, way too emotional and could sleep for England. And I'm cleaning stuff.... but not madly, more of "I must keep on top of this in case baby comes early". Oooooooooo it's so exciting :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Anyway Zoe, at least you MUST beat me lol!
im due on 12th feb from my scans etc, but from my LMP im due 15th jan so will see when the little man arrives :shock:
Ooooooooooooo exciting Sassy - do you have a feeling either way which it will be? It's a huge difference, do you know when you ovulate with each cycle - if you can remember that far back :rotfl:
gingerpig said:
Ooooooooooooo exciting Sassy - do you have a feeling either way which it will be? It's a huge difference, do you know when you ovulate with each cycle - if you can remember that far back :rotfl:

well tbh i aint got a clue cos we were trying, and i was using a BBT chart to plot when i was ovulating, but the 5mths or so before i conceived it was at different times every month, my periods went from being spot on every month to all over the place, so i really cant pinpoint when i will have conceived, bloody typical eh :wall:

I hope itll come 2wks over my LMP, which would be 2wks early from my actual due date by scan, but i dont know, i went over with my 1st but was induced with my 2nd for medical reasons, BUT they were with my ex, so could be different with this being my 1st with Lee.

Im getting quite excited though, but considering how long ive got left im feeling surprisingly calm and not really thought about the fact that in a few weeks ill have a baby to look after :rotfl:
Ooooooooooo that is exciting - so many variables in there! I think the father does have some influence on when baby comes as well, but I'm not sure. This is your 3rd as well, how exciting, you've seen it all before, and you probably know you'll be a brilliant mum, so I'm not surprised you're feeling relaxed :hug: Hope it comes when you want do you know what you're getting?
my son thinks a puppy :rotfl:

but were having a little boy, im just patiently waiting, but i reckon the patience will go soon, im just sat about waiting for him to come :cheer:
Sassyminx said:
my son thinks a puppy :rotfl:

but were having a little boy, im just patiently waiting, but i reckon the patience will go soon, im just sat about waiting for him to come :cheer:

Puppy might be easier! Did you see the animals in the womb prog? The little labradors were so cute!

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