Ladies who work ( tiredness)


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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How are you dealing with it! My dh thinks I am being lazy. I don't work I look after my daughter . I don't sleep during the day although I so want to. Or when she goes to school for a couple of hours. But last night I got told of for feeling rough and tired around him yet when people come over I act fine and perky his words to which I explained if people knew wouldn't have to act fine or perky as I wouldn't really have eople over until I felt better but I haven't got a excuse yet.
Also he thinks that I am dragging this out and making out I am more tired than most women. I want to go to bed at 8 is that so wrong?! Tell me I am not over reacting?! Do you all sleep as much if you can? Women who work how do you deal with tiredness?!? Xxx
I can sleep for ever! want to go to bed about 9 but force myself to stay up to 11, wake up about 8ish, can and have slept for a couple of hours in afternoon, atm i could actually go back to bed as yawning my head off lol
I am sleeping lots too - I have always needed lots of sleep but generally I'm going to bed at about 9.30pm and sleeping until 7am. Then its off to work and if possible I'll have a nap for an hour or so when I get home. DH is very understanding so I'm lucky x
My OH has started calling me Nana because I am going to bed at 8.30 with my knitting!
im shattered as well. work long days but try and nap where i can but want to sleep all the time and would if i could lol. i nearly fell asleep in a meeting last week :s xx
Thank you all for your replys! I think it's the shock to be honest of me being able to do most things and staying up late and no moaning.
He will have to get
Over it?!!

I am glad for your replys and it's
Nice to see
My tiredness is normal x x
Im really tired aswel, as of last night ive decided its going to ba early nights as im up at 6-6.30 every morning with my LO x x

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Me and my OH had a huge arguement during tri 1 cos I put myself back to bed for an afternoon nap! He didn't understand how I was feeling being shattered from looking after our daughter, working and having awful morning sickness! Men really don't understand! x x
No they don't understand!!! Thank you girlys I knew this is normal as I had it last time although I think he has forgotten x x
Hi just thought I would add, you are not alone. Even now at 18 weeks I need to be in bed by 9.30ish often earlier or I am rubbish the next day. I am finding work very hard and I am exhausted by the end of the day, was same in Tri 1. I honestly didnt expect to feel this tired, lol.
I am in bed by 9pm and I get very grumpy if I have to stay up later than that! my OH has been understanding about the tiredness but had difficulty getting his head round my mood swings! my dad on the other hand has told me that I am making a huge deal out of being pregnant and I cant use it as an excuse (he thinks when I say I get angry or upset more often because I am pregnant is a lie) I have had to avoid my dad a lot and I am real dady'd girl normally I see him all the time but he doesnt get me being pregnant at all :-(
awww the tiredness is horrid at the moment, and worst thing is my lo has decided to stop going through the night and gets up for over and hour every night and i go to bed at 10, then up at 6 with him again! when im at work i am a mess.... well ditzy... i swear ppl are thinking whats up with her!! am seriously freakikn out about when this baby gets here, up in the night with both of them and no napping in the day... im gna turn into a monster lol!! it was bad enough the first time lol
oi oi oi..........enough of the slagging session because of most men.

my wife is 8 weeks and is very tired all most of the time. she up about 5 times a night peeing, so broken sleep everynight.
works hard all day then when she is home she still suffers from fatigue.

me and the mrs have agreed that she nudges me and wakes me up everytime she needs to wake up. so if she has broken sleep while she is pregnant and carrying my baby then so will i. sounds stupid but it shows im supporting her.
shes doing all the work, so its the least i can do.

most men would think im an utter tit for doing it and its a womens job, but b0ll0x to that.

i love my wife and do anything to support her. your OH's just need to be a bit more understanding.
be alot easier for them if they do.

good luck all.
omg mike! i dont really know wot 2say about that post my OH is fairly undersatnding but that takes the biscuit!! let me give u sum advice - u will be much more help when the baby is born! than getting up for no reason, get sum sleep now! and then wen baby is here she will love u a million times more if u do lots of nite nappies and nite feeds! this is when she will be soooo tired, nothing compared to now!!! the way she is feeling now is not a shade on the way she will feel the first 6weeks of the babys life!! this is wot my OH did, i was that tired i even slept in a separate bed a couple of nites and he did everything!!! then went to work in the morning like a zombie! good luck thou.

on the other hand today has been my worst day for tierdness! my LO got me up a 5.30! i tidied up, went to gym and then played with her all day now im dead on my feet! an got to be plukkey as goin for a meal with my perants tonite an my poor dad doesnt know yet!! ahhh!
yhe i understand wot your saying but i work from home in my own time so it dont really matter when i sleep.

she's happy im happy, works well for us.
and to be honest, cant wait for the first 6 weeks of her sleeping all the time..........bit of peace and quiet from her. lol. motor mouth all the way.

but saying that, i will have to get used to baby screaming, so i aint gianed any peace time. lol

oh well, my new life begins...........................
That's so sweet mike!! Wish my OH was as understanding!! I don't mind doing the night feeds etc cos he works away but does 16 hour shifts a day so he's as shattered but I don't take the piss outta him like he does to me when I'm tierd :(
i suffered with major tiredness in tri 1, and have now got a rather amazing burst of energy, doing everything normally without wanting to throw my guts up or going to bed, and my OH thought i was being lazy! but i wouldnt have him any other way, i think he will be great when baby is born, and know he will help me. hes helped me run a yard of 10 horses sometimes doing them on his own, i really cant complain and he would always help me if i asked for it. however, when he moans that his dinner isnt on the table it does drive me a bit mad! i know he will be up changing nappies and stuff, its just trying to get him to understand that sometimes i feel like death. xx
your not alone Jess, I was pooped in Tri 1, and still now I get jarmys on at 9pm and settle down with PF, at the same time the kids are in bed!

I was chatting to MommaKat on facebook yesterday and fell asleep sitting upright, I woke up at 3/4am and saw she had been chatting away, and prob wondering where I was! soo rude of me
I'm really tired, but not managing to sleep early, sometimes I can't sleep till 2/3am,and then I've been waking just after 7 or earlier if I'm working. I don't have an OH but I think some of my friends (who've never been pregnant) think I'm just starting to milk it and I'm really not. Not sure if its just a male thing or something some people can't seem to grasp because they haven't been pregnant. I kinda wish I didn't have to work lol.

x x x x
God, I had to reply to this today!
The past few days, but today especially, Ive been getting into work at 8am, feeling like death (and probably looking like it tbh!). I could have literally nodded off at my desk, and today, I felt really sick and dizzy as well. Im probably feeling the worst ive ever felt!

I dont think it helps that im now sat at a desk - I was a front line cop, working adrenaline-filled night shifts for the last 18 months - now, Im sat at a desk doing paperwork - my poor body doesnt know whats hit it! Please tell me the tiredness ends soon, lol!

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