

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Anything more painful than labour? maybe im just hoping haha! Had a nightmare about it last night lol!
Also could anyone describe all of it to me like from what the less painful contractions feel like to the painful ones to the birth then the stitches then of course how sore afterwards.
Is the pain totally unbearable where you just can't do it anymore xx
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I thought I had a high pain threshold until I had some contractions! Breathing helps but it is like a very immense aching back the pains I had and I was only comfortable in one position sitting up, I didn't have any in my tummy and as I had a drip to try and bring on my labour I think I had the pains worse than someone going into natural labour according to the midwife.
I think it all depends on each persons pain threshold, I started off well but ended up asking for any painkiller I could have xx
Well you gotta do it now girl!! I'll let you know in a few weeks haha x
Everyone is different dont worry about it now plus by the time you have been carrying baby round for 9 months you will be glad for the contractions to come coz it means you get to meet your baby. I never needed stitches with mine n its very sore after but it goes away and you will be so taken with your little one you wont giv it much thought tbh, id say only the last half hour is unbearable but you cope n you get through it its painfull but its for a reason and remember there is allways an epidural if you really can take it, theres allways options hun theres no point dwelling on the pain coz its gona happen weather your ready or not lol it will be fine x
The breathing thing is a life saver!! That and the birthing ball. Loved them both.

I didnt find labour to be that bad. It was the other women screaming on the labour ward that made it worse lol.
well personally id rather do labour than have a migrane lol best advise i can give is belive in yourself and your body and try to get intune with your body this will help you get into a zone and just focus on the contraction just think each contraction means your 1 step closer to meeting you baby the worst bit for me is when the head crowns but then with the next push your almost done and the worst bit it over
early stages of labour i found leaning over something and rocking my hips side to side made them not feel so bad
The breathing thing is a life saver!! That and the birthing ball. Loved them both.

I didnt find labour to be that bad. It was the other women screaming on the labour ward that made it worse lol.

I was the same. Kind of took it in my stride and didnt find it too unbearable. It was all very gradual which helped me to build up my pain threshold and I actually enjoyed the whole experience. I didnt tear or graze but then my son's head wasn't much bigger than my fist even at one week early.

I had pethadine and gas and air and plan to do the same again. I just hope im that lucky this time around!

What ive heard is tough is being induced because you go from nothing to major contractions, I think then I would need an epidural!
I was induced :) I had 5 hours of recorded labour but ended up in a section so didnt get to do the whole popping out the baby things, but laboured and pushed with pethadine.

I havent done the whole none induced labour thing, but I didnt think induction was more paintful that what a natural labour would have been. I think as long as your relaxed it deffinately helps. I didnt do it but Ive heard fab things about hypnobirthing on here.
I had a dream about labor last night. Probaly because I was watching one born every minute. I had morphine in the dream and could feel the effects of it.....weird lol.

I'm in the same boat too Shuana, not worrying aboutthe pain YET but i know i'll e scared when it gets nearer!!! At least it'll be worth it in the end :)
I think im a bit strange, in that im quite looking forward to the labour, lol!

It means the baby will be coming fairly soon, and I find that quite exciting!

I think I have quite a high pain threshold, but I suppose that will be tested to the max!

Ha, bring it on!

Me and my hubby have an ongoing dispute over which is more painful: Labour or a broken leg (he had one last year)
I personally cannot think of anything that could ever hurt as much, not that this should scare you, we all know there is a bit of pain involved lol and not everyone feels it the same. However, my labours have always progressed very quickly (ie posterior cervix to 10cm within an hour-ish). Don't know if that makes a diff. Also last bubs was back to back.
Saying this, I would do it again in a heartbeat and despite the 'pain', I loved every minute as it was the most precious moments of my life.

I found that very early contractions were like very strong BH
Middle ones were like vvv strong BH with period pain searing through each ones
Late ones were like my whole body had taken over and there was nothing I could do to control what was going on. At the time I was shouting that I really couldn't do this any more lol, but this didn't last for long.

I had massive amounts of stitches 1st time round but I can't say the pain afterwards was that bad tbh, not much different to not tearing at all.
well i managed fine.. didnt even know i was in labour until 3 hours before she was born.. i arrived at hospital 10cm dilated and it did hurt but nothing i couldnt handle ... i didnt have no pain relief either.... BUT... she was 7 weeks early, and i had to be cut so was numb down there.. so think that was a major help... but i think i have a high pain threshold to, but im sure i will find out this time if i go full term as midwife said im high risk for having another prem!
I managed the whole labour and birth without any pain relief and believe me I am the biggest wuss ever with pain. Having said that I didn't choose not to have pain relief!! The worst part for me was the last hour or so of contractions ad you reach 10cm dialated and then the bit when the baby's head is crowning- ouchie!!! But it's all part of the process and within minutes you are sore but fine if you see what I mean! You'll be fine :)
I had a 100% natural birth and i have to say the pain IS BEAREABLE and YOU CAN DO IT! I've never heard of anyone passing out from pain during labour. Of course it hurts but you need to trust your body and remember that the pain you will feel is only a muscle working (uterine muscle) and when it's over you'll be able to see your baby!
The contraction only last for a minute and then you get a break before the next, during which you'll feel no pain at all!! Once you're 10cms dilated you'll have a break before the pushing begins!
It's really important that during the whole thing you keep breathing, tell your birth partner to constantly breathe with you, relax as much as you can and don't be afraid to change position as much as you need to The breathing will help keep you calm, help with the pain and help keep your baby from becoming distressed.
Remember though that once the baby is born you'll need to get the placenta out, i only had to push once and it didn't hurt me at all.
As for the stitches I only needed one, it didn't nipped a little but i was more interested in my baby to pay much attention!

Good luck and i'm sure you'll do great!! Just remember IT'S ONLY A MUSCLE WORKING!

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