Labour Ward Tour.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I had this on Sunday and it was great - I'd definitely recommend going as it's really put my mind at rest and made me even more excited. Obviously it varies from hosp. to hosp. but I was really pleasantly surprised - there are only 4 beds per room which isn't too bad, plus some private was very clean, bright and airy and soooo peaceful - it was actually pretty empty so hopefully there won't be a baby boom before it's my turn! I feel much more secure knowing exactly where I have to go when the time comes.

Our hospital does them every week at a certain time and you just turn up - check with your midwife but it's definitely worth going x
i agree,.... it really put my mind at rest after i went on the tour..

id totally recommend for any first time mums. xxx
I forgot about mine. I had to phone and book, remembered when I was 37 weeks and was told that they couldn't do it until mid-August! :doh: It is my own fault for not doing it sooner though! At least I shall be there for the real deal at some point this week! :rotfl:
That's great that you feel even better about the big day! :cheer:

I didn't need a tour as I saw it all when I went in a few weeks ago with regular BH! But the lighting was really dim, the halls were quiet, the MWs were great and the rooms were very airy and decorated in neutral colours so it all looked really calm and peaceful!

I'm also feeling much better about it all. I think it helps to see it all because we'll be in so much pain and probably scared, could be there for aaaages etc... So it's good to see the place where you'll be facing all that.

:hug: xx
My hospital doesnt do tours anymore apparently, it better be nice or else!!!


Glad the tour went well :)
Glad yours went well :D I have mine mid-August and am looking forward to it. I want to see the birthing pool :)
I thought the hospital tour was really interesting. I would definately reccmmend going on one if you can. I'm really glad I went, but there were 6 couples on our tour and we were all crammed in one room which was boiling hot and we were all stood up for what felt like ages, and I ended up passing out :oops: It was so embarrassing. At least I was in the right place :D
I had the tour when I was expecting my son and found it very reassuring. Was nice to know what to expect and also where exactly I would be going when I was admitted. :D Not going this time cos obviously Ive seen it all from the inside before, but I am going for a chat tomorrow night about my planned waterbirth. When I saw my midwife yesterday she said they wont consider you for a waterbirth unless you attend the info session at the hospital, even though I went to it last time and have been doing my homework :think: So I gotta go and do a refresher session and register my intention to use the pool.
My classes start in 2 weeks and 1 of them is a hospital tour. We're going for my hubbys sake really because I actually worked on labour and delivery as a support worker when I did my training.

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