Kitten Help Please


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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As most of you know i have 3 kittens here. They are 3 weeks old as of yesterday.
We went out shopping this evening and when we got back we noticed Tilly, the mum, has vanished! I have no idea how the hell she's gotten out, especially since we have been so damn careful! I've been outside to shout her but she's just not coming! Will the kittens be ok? They are crying a lot and appear to want me now! Whenever i go into the hallway where they're sleeping they start squeaking and dive to the front of their box to get to me. For the first time ever they are climbing into my hand!
But i'm so bothered about them needing food overnight! I have a feeling they need feeding 3 hourly at this age? I bottlefed the last litter but i can't remember!
I just don't want them to starve. I will keep calling Tilly to see if she'll come in but she's so stubborn!
I'd phone your local vets for advice, they should have an out of hours contact number that you can call. I know my cat used to do flits to escape but sher always came back (reluctantly) when they called her.
The more you chase her and call her the more she will pull away - there over a month old now areant they - give them a little normal milk saucer and even put food out. You can offer kittens food from 2 weeks (believe me ive had a lot of litters of kittens!!!)
Dont panic mum though as she will just now ans wont want to come in - the kittens will look up to the next thing - person so they will sqeak at you as mine did when mums used to go out.
Dont panic act like normal - they wont die of starvation i promise!! let mum come in at her own time - she may be out for a while now having some freedom - just let her.
Thanks Sarah. Never knew they could have food from 2 weeks. They're 3 weeks and 2 days now. I went out with a box of biscuits last night as they are guaranteed to get her in, but i think she was shut in that stupid old bags house as she never came in. (The neighbour is obsessed with her getting pregnant then shutting her in til she's had kittens! She did it with the first litter, but she escaped the day before she gave birth!)
9.30am she came home with my other cat. They were proper shaking this morning when i got up but they've relaxed now. I was so worried. Whenever she escaped before she'd be crying at the door 2 hours later to get back to them! It was just so unlike her!
Poor little things! hope there okay now lisa - how are the kittens? 3 weeks yeah get the food out start encouraging them they will become interested but hard to say when they will try it as all my litters have been different.
Omg your neighbour sounds odd - shutting the cat in her house what a loon! if she does it again call the RSPCA hun.
DONT give them cows milk, worse thing you can do and you copuld make them ill and you dont want them having diahorreah at such an early vital age.

They wont starve overnight at 3 weeks old - buy soem jars of baby food and spoon feed them that and opffer them water, although they prolly wont drink it there will be enough fluid in the baby food.
mrs_tommo22 said:
The more you chase her and call her the more she will pull away - there over a month old now areant they - give them a little normal milk saucer and even put food out. You can offer kittens food from 2 weeks (believe me ive had a lot of litters of kittens!!!)
Dont panic mum though as she will just now ans wont want to come in - the kittens will look up to the next thing - person so they will sqeak at you as mine did when mums used to go out.
Dont panic act like normal - they wont die of starvation i promise!! let mum come in at her own time - she may be out for a while now having some freedom - just let her.

I wouldnt give 2 week old kittens food, their stomaches cant handle it.

And I would keep the mum in for one she can pregnant again straight away not to mention she could get run over making it even harder to look after the kittens full time.
If youre on low income you can right now get her spayed for free if you get in touch with the cats protection through a vet. Kindest thing to do, not nice for a cat to be having litters all the time.
We don't even know how she got out. She must have been very crafty as me and OH went out together and we honestly did not see her. I hate her going out. But i could never afford to get her spayed. And now we have no income at all. She needs rehoming. She is high maintenance for me. She's a lovely cat with everyone but me. Plus in the next month i have no idea if i'll be here or the house will be repossessed. So i'm trying to plan for then really.
I've never given any cat cows milk anyway. When i was younger i fed my old cat it once! Never again! :lol:
HollyHobby said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
The more you chase her and call her the more she will pull away - there over a month old now areant they - give them a little normal milk saucer and even put food out. You can offer kittens food from 2 weeks (believe me ive had a lot of litters of kittens!!!)
Dont panic mum though as she will just now ans wont want to come in - the kittens will look up to the next thing - person so they will sqeak at you as mine did when mums used to go out.
Dont panic act like normal - they wont die of starvation i promise!! let mum come in at her own time - she may be out for a while now having some freedom - just let her.

I wouldnt give 2 week old kittens food, their stomaches cant handle it.

And I would keep the mum in for one she can pregnant again straight away not to mention she could get run over making it even harder to look after the kittens full time.
If youre on low income you can right now get her spayed for free if you get in touch with the cats protection through a vet. Kindest thing to do, not nice for a cat to be having litters all the time.

They wont eat at 2 weeks but it certainly gets them used to the idea of food. Ive never had any problems with any of the kittens my girls have had eating food from young. Everyone is of a different opinion concerning their animals.
I've had 2 litters and I did not start weaning until 4 weeks of age. Even then they still got the main of their food from their mum. (still cost me a fortune in kitten food!) Also IIRC you can start worming them at 4 weeks :think:
Yes cows milk is not good! You have to buy special kitten milk.

My cat got out ONCE in the entire 12 weeks that she was nursing her kittens, hence why we ended up with a second litter. As soon as the last kitten was gone she was straight down the vets! (she was a stray we took in but didn't know she was pregnant!)

Have you tired the cats protection hun?
I am sure they would help you re-home her esp if you explain that she keeps having litters as you can't afford to spay her.
Good luck :hug:
helsekia said:
hows the cutie kittens doing hun?

They won't come out the box still! The other 2 litters were exploring at 2 weeks! These just peer over the edge but won't go anywhere. But they are growing at a quicker rate than i ever remembered! I still need homes for 2 of them too.

I'll call Cats Protection. I will explain my situation and ask if they could rehome her at all. She needs to go as they cannot come to a hostel with me anyway!
awwwww bless 'em.theyre not curious kittens then.they are gorgeous and id love one but my dogs wouldnt approve :wink:
Have you still got the grey one to home hon? I spoke to my friend and she really wants a grey kitten, she can come to you to collect
ejjie said:
Have you still got the grey one to home hon? I spoke to my friend and she really wants a grey kitten, she can come to you to collect

Yeah it still needs a home. Lola's Mummy was after it but was still working on her OH last time i spoke to her. So yeah, still available.
In regards to the introduction of solid food I did kitten led weaning myself (sorry couldn't resist)

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