Kinda angry at the nurse


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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We had Tyler's jabs done and while she was preparing it all we were chatting. She asked me if he was sleeping through and I said no last night he was up every hour so we had a chat about that. She then suggested I try controlled crying!


I had to point out to her thats it's not recommended on babies under 6 months and I didn't want to distress my boy.

She also asked if I'd spoken to the HV so I told her what she said and she agreed it was pants.

Sometimes these people give such awful advice! K won't sleep during the day unless we are holding her and our doctor said to just do what we had to to get her to sleep, and that until they are five or six months you really can't sleep train them. I personally don't know if I'll ever be able to do the controlled crying....
ive never heard of controlled crying???

you do what you think is right, no one should be able to dictate what you should/shouldnt do with your baby xxxx
All my HV's have advised me to let LO cry a lil bit....when I had sleeping probs, but they never said "controlled crying" coz thats a bit different to letting them have a wee cry. I'm suprised your HV said that too, but not overly suprised coz my HV is shit. Fair enough advising you to let him cry a bit but controlled crying is a bit OTT.

Glad the jags went well, hows he feeling?

Wtf is controlled crying??? When is a crying baby ever under control???

Today I hate the medical profession!
I did it with my last 3 children when they were 9 months old as they were waking through habit. After 2 nights they slept through and been brilliant sleepers since. It is hard emotionally but it really does help them learn to sleep properly. I could never do it before that age though :(
I used to get asked that by HVs all the time, about if Oz is sleeping through. He didn't til he was 1 years old, it wasn't too bad though as we coslept and sometimes I barely stirred, although I never got a full nights sleep for a year, but I coped!

As professionals they should know that it is not uncommon for children to not sleep through until they are 2 years old, and that there is a theory that some children wake every time they do a wee! And so these children don't sleep through until they are potty trained, which kind of goes along with 2 years old as it is an average age children are potty trained!

It is so frickin annoying though when someone asks about sleeping through, what are you supposed to do? You can't force it, it just happens.

I dunno these nurses say things like this as small talk when they really don't know what they're on about.
I really don't like the idea of controlled crying, but the other day G was crying when I put her in her crib - cant quite remember why - but then I was suddenly desperate for the loo, so she got left, while I was in loo she suddenly stopped and when I came back for I got the biggest grin - it was almost like she was trying it on, but then when I didn't come she decided she couldn't be bothered,
Found this great site all about infant sleep -

For anyone asking my understanding is that controlled crying is where you either keep coming to the child when they cry and either lifting them and calming them then putting them down and repeating this until they sleep, or you simply pat and shhh them every time they cry or you totally ignore them.

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