Kind of embarassing ...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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Hmmmm ... Anyone else on here that can't seem to get sexually aroused?

I just cannot lately get 'into' it. Does anyone know any reasons for this? ... I have been having treatment for thrush because I get that quite alot ... I'm wondering if it's like in my stomach or top of my womb or something because my stomach is really bloated all the time and maybe that's what's stopping me getting aroused? I find sex can be quite uncomfortable sometimes and I just cannot continue! It sucks because we are hardly able to do the deed lately and every month we are just missing it! Any help on how to get this sorted???
if sex is uncomfortable then i would say go to your gp and have someone have a look up there ( sorry lol ) thrush can inflame your bits and make it sore / tender inside and out.

i struggle when all i think about is ttc, hence me giving the opks a rest this cycle and just trying to forget about it
sex here becomes almost like a millitory opperation lol with doing it in a certain way or at a certain time or lieing with my ass in the air to help them along its hard to feel sexy lol

I agree with Lynette though if it is uncomfortable then see your GP xx
Pelvic pain after sex is also an indicator of several other things so best to go see ur ok lovely x

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Oh I know how you feel - since ttc my sex drive has just plummeted! Which isn't helpful!! I just see it as baby making exercise now, which is not how it should be! xx
I am the same the only time we have sex is around ov time wich i know is not good we just cant seem to "get in the mood" at other times its like no change of a baby so whats the point!

I'm one of the lucky ones then?

We've only just started TTC so it's just lots of fun! OH asked me excitedly this morning if we could 'do it again tonight!'

I'll be with the rest of you in a few months, putting it off til the last minute like the ironing or washing up! :iron:
Try to assess your self..Maybe your stress lately...Sometimes our mood really affects our arousal..

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