what up with me?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2008
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my stomach is REALLY bloated. i look around 6 months pregnant (at least) where i am bloated it holds itself as if it were a bump and is completely solid. its been like this for around 2months (that i've noticed) so its not just wind or anything. i dont want to go to the doctor incase im just wasting his time. i get pains in my stomch too which move around and feel uncomfortable half the time. the last week i've been getting what feels like kicking. i dont think im pregnant though because i've done thousands of tests lately and they are all BFNs. could it be that i want a baby so bad that my body is reacting like this? i've heard it does happen. yesterday i was in boots bursting for the loo and the lady let me use the staff toilet because she assumed i was pregnant. even my best mate who i was out with yesterady kept asking "are you sure you're not pregnant?"

OH is now REALLY broody. he keeps touching my stomach...a little weird due to the way i feel physically at the moment.

any suggestions would be much appriciated

thank you ladies xxx
I could answer you with quite a fews things it could be, but I'd be grasping at straws hun. You DO need a trip to the docs. They could do a blood test to rule out pg. Wind does give you feeling of 'kicking' and it all sounds more like irritable bowel to me, but you must go and get checked out. Least then your mind will be put at rest and you can carry on TTC :hug:
Hi Suzie,

Just from reading your post you sound very similar to me. I suffer very badly from IBS and when i am stressed if flares up which can leave me looking pregnant and the kicking you described can be wind. Mine is quite easy to control by diet but it is better to go to the docs and get checked out.

Hope you feel better soon but make sure you do go to the docs :hug:

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