

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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this is going to sound awful, but im hoping I'm not the only one.... I don't like feeling the baby kicking/moving around. I find it really uncomfortable and now you can SEE the movements I am really aware of other people looking... Don't get me wrong-its lovely to know she is fine- but just a gentle kick every couple of hours would be more appreciated!

anyone else? :oops:
now hes got to a good size the kicks are really uncomfortable so i dont like it all the time and when he moves suddenly i dont like it
your not alone hun :hug:
manda xx
i still can't get used to it.. makes me laugh sometimes though, like the other day when he kicked OH's head :rotfl:
generally i love feeling baby moving around although I really don't like it when I'm eating makes me feel very very quesy!
i like it as it reassures we but like you say a few gentle kicks would do sometimes :rotfl:

after ive eaten he/she goes mad and its not the nicest feelin lol so i do see what you mean
I like it and find it reassuring. I don't think mine kicks as much as some though. James wasn't much of a kicker either. Two lazy boys!
Oh no..I love it!!! :cheer: :cheer: Sometimes I prod LO to try to make he/she move!!!! (how mean!) I get dead excited!!!!
I totally love it!!! With me being such a panicker I find it so reassuring. I love it when i'm in bed snuggled up to hubby and Baby kicks him in the back!! Its our (mine and babies) favorite game.
I understand where you're coming from hun as my little girl NEVER stops moving. Hiccups are the worst; that kind of regular judder. Ewwww. That always seems to start in the middle of the night for some reason.
i love it, and now i can feel her moving all the time it makes it seem much more real

but the movements arent painful, it might be a different story if they were really uncomfotable!
my LO doesnt really 'kick' anymore, he has run out of space in there so all movements are huge and like wriggles and rolls. I get the odd swish of a limb down the sides which makes me feel weird but I love feeling him move. I think I felt a bit annoyed at his bum in my ribs a few weeks ago but then I thought well, its his little home and Id be moving about too so I cant mind or moan, I put him there :lol:
i LOVE the kicks they make me smile and go all gooey with love. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

but the pressing on my bump and back and laying /bouncing on my ladybits and bladder NO not cute at all :shakehead: :rotfl:
my LO ha my mother-in-laws cat sitting on her and she kicked her off
he he

this was a while ago, i get more punches and wriggles now and the odd kick in the rib


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