

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
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Hi girls, well basically i think i felt a kick! it happened quite a lot through out yesterday, especially when i was just sitting relaxed. It stopped when i went out to the shops, and later on started again. After the first time i got a shock, lifted my top and watched my tummy and seen a very small bit poke out, almost like a pulse! It was just below my belly button area and i have never felt anything like this before! It was kind of like a flick inside my tummy, not too sure how to describe it!!

I told OH and he thought it would be too early to feel anything, but he put his hand on my tummy for ages, we just sat watching tv, and he thinks he felt something too!

Is it too early? This is my first baba :). x x

Oh just to add, i know my ticker says 19 weeks and 2 days - this is going by my first scan date, at the 12 week scan i was put forward by about 4 days, but she didnt give us a different due date as its my first she said i will probably be late. So i am probably alot closer to 20 weeks. But sticking with the first dates anyway :)
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Sounds like your little one kicking to me! I felt 'flutters' at 16 weeks and this is our 1st too! Now I get karate kicks so the fun is just about to start for you guys! :) x
Sounds like its all starting :) lucky you ! ah you OH feeling it already . I am finally feeling the odd kick too but OH canf feel it just yey . Enjoy it because its a wonderful feeling xx
Oh forgot to say, you OH is defo a lucky man, my OH only just felt our boy moving because everytime he places his hand on my bump little man goes still lol x
Thanks for answering my post claire :) I'm actually grinning now hehe. I knew it was a kick, i have had the sort of bubbles, and flutters for a while but it was nothing like this :). x x
When it happens i have about 1-4 in the space of about half an hour, then it stops for a while, and then starts up again! :) i was so excited, i actually made oh sit for so long! When he felt it his eyes were so wide and he was cheesing!! He didn't really think it was a kick when i first told him, he thought it was probably gas hah, but i know what that feels like (all too well at the moment :blush:) x x
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aw how lovely for you! defo sounds like kicks, mine started around the same time too! such an amazing feeling that will only get stronger and more frequent from now on :)
i know jld :) i can't explain how amazing it feels. I also can't believe i'm here now, i thought it would take ages to get to this point, but now its here, and my 20 week scan is next week i'm so happy :) :) x x
When it happens i have about 1-4 in the space of about half an hour, then it stops for a while, and then starts up again! :) i was so excited, i actually made oh sit for so long! When he felt it his eyes were so wide and he was cheesing!! He didn't really think it was a kick when i first told him, he thought it was probably gas hah, but i know what that feels like (all too well at the moment :blush:) x x

My OH actually said "was that you?" the first time he felt bubs kick!! Wally! :lol: x
Aww hah claire, gotta love our OH's!! :)
I felt baba again! I am loving this feeling. Its still small, but i can definetely feel it! I can't wait for the karate kicks :) hehe! x x
deffo your little one dancing around inside!!! i described it as like pop-corn popping in your belly to my mw and she said it was baby :) its such a loverly feeling :)

claire- my OH is the same, everytime baby gets into a little dancing mode, OH is either still as work or he puts his hand on my belly and baby goes still!!! so annoying, want him to feel it too!!!
Ah chick thats lovely, i'm still waiting on my kicks. Think i felt little flutters at the weekend, was like little bubbles in my tummy. x
I told my mum and she says that when it happens you know its a kick, and i deffo knew! :)
Yeah jacki i had the bubbles thing for about a week, but this really shocked me, especially when i seen a bit on my tummy pop out like someone had poked it! Great feeling though :).

Spice - i know of the pop corn popping feeling too :) thats what my bubbles feel like.

Shauna, can't believe you are off to tri 3 tomorrow! how exciting!!

I sometimes get this other feeling too, its like the baby is turning occasionally, its like at the front of my bump just now, its sometimes when i feel a wee kick too :). I am totally loving this feeling girls - sorry if i go on about it!! xxx
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You carry on hun, sometimes my boy still shocks me when he does a big kick, he distracts me when we watch tv too, I find myself having to rewind bits because i've missed it while i'm watching him kick me! Thank goodness for sky+ lol.

My little man is head down already and laying on the left of my bump with his legs & arms stretched out across my bump, it's lovely knowing when it's a punch or a kick depending on where the movement is! Not so nice when he punches my bits, it feels like he's trying to break free lol x
Eeek hehe, being punched in the bits doesnt sound too nice, the things we go through for our wee baba's eh! Will your wee boy be head down for the rest of your pregnancy or does his position change often?
We find out if we're having a boy or girl next thursday :) (if possible!)
x x

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