kerry katona

Aww bless.... she was told she'd go early by c-section as she was huge - so they that Max clifford PR guy said on sky news!!
I never even saw any pics of her pregnant!!

I wonder if she will go on and have more to get her 'boy' it said in the magazines last year she was desperate for a boy didnt it?
Now I know maths isnt my strong point but she had her on 20th Feb? She was due 1st March, day after me and I've only a week to go so where did they get 6 weeks from? :think:

She was 9 weeks on 1st August which would make her 38 weeks at birth ... ws_id=1025

They have to add some drama though, 6 weeks is far more dramatic than 2 :roll:
G3M said:
anyone else think her new hubby is erm ....ugky !????

Hmm...I thought he didn't seem her type...I know she can be a little nuts sometimes, but she is a bonny lass.

He also looks LOADS older than 32!
I remenber seeing her ages ago on this morning and she was big then.

Also read in paper at week end she was very drunk at the wedding and hit her new hubby????

awww bless.

Love how she went in to labour but had a C section - what is it with celebs and sections :wall:

TBH Im inclined to believe BBC over the SUN any day of the week. She only ever announced her date in OK (in her colum) and I cant remember the week but she deffo said in there she was due the month of march.

I don't believe most of what the papers say about any celebs unless I see a pic, or video evidence as they all talk a load of crap
jennywren said:
awww bless.
Love how she went in to labour but had a C section - what is it with celebs and sections :wall:

I hate it when you read in 'hello' how someone had to have a 'full-term' baby by 'last minute emergency section' but the babies always weigh less than 5lbs.

The publicists always fiddle with due dates to cover the fact many celebrities have elective C-sections privately before 37 weeks to avoid stretchmarks and weight gain. :roll:

*If Miss Katona's lawyers are reading I'm NOT saying this is the case with her* :D :lol:
They announced on 1st Aug that she was 9 weeks gone which makes the baby full term.

The hossie she went to are jumpy and wont hesitate to interfere, probably why she had a c-section. Ive just posted in tri 3 about my experience there today, they've proper pissed me off :evil:

*Unless you're Kellie80 and they leave you hanging on!
Seems its interfere early or leave you late there

Her new husband does not have a good reputation round here and is known for, well I dont want to be sued :lol: She could do so much better for herself.

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