Kerry Katona.............!


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
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Has anyone seen Kerry Katona in this weeks OK magazine? She is due on 1st April 07, the day after me, and the photos show her with this obvious baby bump, which her and her OH are cooing over, the photo's were apparently taken at 5 weeks.

LMAO, i dont think its a baby bump, i bet she just started eating proper food again when she found out she was pg, and has put on fat rather than baby. Its unbeleivable that she would have a bump like that at 5 weeks!

What does everyone else think.........?
Im sorry I havent seen the pictures but there is no way anyone could 'show' at 5 weeks! At 5 weeks pregnant your period would only have been a week late so that proves my point.

Like you said, its prob just excess weight that she is pushing out, remember she has had two kids so her tummy isnt going to be that toned I dare say.

Considering most people begin to show from 3-4 months well, I think 5 weeks is just silly :rotfl:
I OH said that her OH must be deluded to think that its his baby, and she prob got pg before they got together LMAO bless him!

I was in complete disbelief that she would be showing, she was stick thin in the magazine a few weeks ago, so I agree her tummy just let it push out.

I'm same time as her, and not even slightly showing, in fact I've lost a stone in the last 8 weeks (before I found i was pg I'd lost 10lb in 6 weeks on atkins diet, and i don't know why I've lost the last bit as gave up the diet when i found out)

Just been trying to find some photo's but can't find any online and don't have scanner.
Emmylou said:
Just been trying to find some photo's but can't find any online and don't have scanner.

LOL - of her not me! :rotfl:
i have seen the pics and u can so tell she is sticking her belly put stupid cow!!!!!

i hope its a girl :lol:
well I have been asked am I pregnant as my belly is big but then this is my second and a lot of it is water retention and bloating.,also she is on her third isnt she?

I cant say for me exactly yet as I might be further as they have got a heart beat up so god knows,but i look pregnant proper and have put nearly a stone on in weight.

One thing annoying me about that kerry is the smoking so obvious in the public eye makes me sick. I have quit after 17 years of (gave up when preg with DD) and to be honest I couldnt smoke if you paid me,but if she must why not do it in private?

sorry for my rant
I saw these pics of her at 5 weeks yesterday too ...... here's one of them:-

oh my word shes having a laugh :rotfl: xxx
She's showing about as much as me by recent pics and I'm due same time and we're going same hospital. Not that pic though, thats just fat!

My heart really goes out to her, we live in the same town and the guy she's with is a knob, reminds me of my ex husband. Saw pictures of him pawing her in public and I just wanted to slap him, he has no respect for her. She's totally screwed up and desperately needs a family and unfortunately I think she'll be left on her own again because he'll take the piss. I feel very protective towards Kerry and I think she's with this guy on the rebound because she's hurting, her alledgedly taking drugs and being drunk all the time are actions of somebody hurting and wanting to take the pain away and I think she's with that man as she's craving attention and he gives it. He's already left one girl with 2 kids, he could quite easily do it again.

I feel so so sorry for her, I think she's made a very poor choice, he's known in the town as a womaniser, poor cow.
I was a bit shocked by those pics too,no way are they taken at 5weeks :fib: :lol: ,her fella has a feeling it's twins too :roll: :D xx
So interesting you should say this as since reading ok this has been baffling me all week...............! Got worried when i read it as she is over 2 weeks behind me and i have NO baby bump. like you said, even more confused when the pictures were apparently taken at 5 weeks. she is a messed up old girl anyway and who knows if she is telling the truth or what she has been eating. Ive been reading in other sources though that she is 3 months gone and for someone who has already had 2 kids, it is probably quite normal to be that big at 3 months.
:rotfl: Mine looks like that too if I puff it all out! Silly woman :roll:
I was SO bloated when I fell pg at that many weeks people seriously thought I was alot further gone than I really was. I do feel for Kerry, she has had a very tough and very public life. I think people need to give her a break and send her their support.

One thing annoying me about that kerry is the smoking so obvious in the public eye makes me sick. I have quit after 17 years of (gave up when preg with DD) and to be honest I couldnt smoke if you paid me,but if she must why not do it in private?

Part of me agree's with this, but at the end of the day, she is living her own life. If the paperazzi want to run around and try and catch her with a fag in her mouth then let them. If she wants to smoke then it's her and her babies life she is affecting, no one elses. It was a big battle for me to quit smoking with Damien. It wasn't that I didn't care about my unborn son at all, it was just really hard to give up. I managed it in the end thankfully, but it was a battle.

A quote in a magazine says....
"Having faced criticism about smoking during her pregnancy she (Kerry) is now even more determined to stop. She is absolutely desperate to stop and she is trying very hard to do so. She is well aware of the harmful effect smoking can have on her baby and that is spurring her on to quit. Kerry has already cut down from 10 cigarettes a day to three and Mark is being very supportive. He has also cut down in the hope it will make it easier for Kerry."

It goes on to say she is seeking help from a well woman clinic and taking relaxation classes.

Sorry I've kind of waffled on, but I really think that if she was a friend of yours, she would be given much more support than she has been given by the public so far.

:hug: to Kerry
She has had 2 kiddies already, so you are more likely to 'bloat out' or 'show' sooner than a first or even second one.
I wouldn't have thought you would show so much at 5 week but saying that, Jack was my 3rd pregnacy and i showed really quickley

Ansdi also think that when you are PG you let you muscles relax more than what you would have before(c'mon girls we must all be guilty of walking round trying to suck tummy in lol) and this will show more if you have had previous pregnancys
Well said Sami, I have to agree.....I think most people in the public eye get a rough ride from the public, I am just glad I am a little no body who can make my own mistakes in private! I too smoked for a short time with my first DD, but I did manage to give up.......but the hell I could have got if in the public eye, don't bare thinking about....who made us judge and jury?! xx
:( I'm looking a litle puffed out like that too....

Only 6.5 weeks .... :(

Scared I have 2 again!!!!

Apparently though when it's not your first you can show a lot quicker as the uterus etc stretches easier...she's knocked a few out though hasn't she...

Mine could just be fat... :D ... maybe she's got a pillow there?
If she wants to smoke then it's her and her babies life she is affecting, no one elses.

Personally I think that for a woman who won a 'mum of the year award' or something like that a couple years ago she's not acting very responsibly. Kerry choses to live her life in the public eye therefore being pictured smoking whilst being pregnant isn't setting a good example to the young women that look up to her.

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