I don't post a great deal as I feel slightly out of place but a lot things I've read on here have helped me feel better about the situation we are in (TTC with PCOS)
It's hard to be positive lately, I'm naturally quite a positive person but its hard to see all of my friends with their families and constantly announcing new additions.. Including a recent family one.
I know it will sound daft at me 27 and her 26 but I feel like time is running out day by day, I think this is down to my grand parents having my mother the last of 5 quite late on meaning I lost my grandad at a young age and I really don't want that for my kids.
I know with PCOS OPKs can be unreliable although they have worked before the first round of clomid taken earlier in the month they aren't even showing faint lines yet when if the clomid has worked they should be now or soon.
I've read about husbands finding OPK stashes on here, I wish my partner stashed them but its me who buys them and gets her to use them otherwise I doubt she would..just her way I guess
You all seem so positive but I'm struggling lately.. Maybe I should just be happy that we've been through the process they've found out what's wrong and have got clomid.
I don't post a great deal as I feel slightly out of place but a lot things I've read on here have helped me feel better about the situation we are in (TTC with PCOS)
It's hard to be positive lately, I'm naturally quite a positive person but its hard to see all of my friends with their families and constantly announcing new additions.. Including a recent family one.
I know it will sound daft at me 27 and her 26 but I feel like time is running out day by day, I think this is down to my grand parents having my mother the last of 5 quite late on meaning I lost my grandad at a young age and I really don't want that for my kids.
I know with PCOS OPKs can be unreliable although they have worked before the first round of clomid taken earlier in the month they aren't even showing faint lines yet when if the clomid has worked they should be now or soon.
I've read about husbands finding OPK stashes on here, I wish my partner stashed them but its me who buys them and gets her to use them otherwise I doubt she would..just her way I guess
You all seem so positive but I'm struggling lately.. Maybe I should just be happy that we've been through the process they've found out what's wrong and have got clomid.