keeping names a secret???


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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is there anyone else who has found the perfect name for their little one, and just dose not want to share it!!!! hehe my cousin is exspecting at the same time as me, and keep asking.. "what you gonna call your little boy"... i just shrug and say, oh i dont know, see what he looks like a guess.... hehe LIES! we know EXACTLY what he's gonna be called!
We did the same with my girl. We wanted to surprise people plus the name was slightly touchy.
When we choose names we keep them to ourselves too!!!

I always say when were asked 'oh we haven't decided yet' lol it's lies too!

Although with this baby we honestly haven't decided!
If someone asks we tell them but only if they ask :) And we say its not for definite. So far everyone we have told has really liked the name :D
I would definitely keep it a secret because people only ever have an opinion and anyway, I might change my mind.
We tend to say that we have names in mind but refuse to tell people. We are lying to most people by saying that we don't know what sex we're having anyway.
Ours were a complete secret right til the end :D
We never told people. Worked fine for us. Just said to them they would know once LO was here thank you very much.
We have decided once we know what we are having we will keep the name to ourselves until its born :D
Everyone who matters knows... Although I do love the look on people's faces when I tell them she'll be Gertrude Ethel Priestman :lol: xxx
We kept it a secret - although we did only make the final decision once she was born ('cos I was convinced she was a boy anyhoo!)

I'm a big believer in the fact that people will comment on your potential name if you tell them when you are pregnant (as if you are asking for their opinion, even though you're not), but they'll keep quiet even if they don't like it if its signed and sorted and they are told once baby is born.

Its nice to have something secret to yourselves anyway.

Valentine Xxx
We've got a few names in mind, but we haven't really told anyone those names.

We'll decide when we see the girls if "the name fits"

I'm pleased i kept the name quiet from most people. Most people don't like the name Angel. When they ask and i say they generally respond with "Oh". That's it. I love it. And at the moment it fits.
We've told our mum's what our ideas are which is a range of 2 or 3 names and also a couple of close friends. We haven't and probably won't let on to many what our final decision is - except probably my mum. Its not really that I want it to be a secret, its just that we could change our minds at any point so until baby is born nothing is final.

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