Thanks everyone!
One thing before the birth that I was adament on was having no epidural but because the waters broke and I was only 1cm-2cm dilated he wasn't ready to come out for a while and so I was partly induced as well which made it even more painful. I was even having pain between the contractions so at around 11.30 in the morning I had an epidural and couldn't feel a thing until 6 in the evening, it was wonderful. I don't think I fully understood the effect of the epidural before but just lying there and seeing the contractions go up was wonderful. But then they had to reduce the epidural as I was unable to push as I had no feeling. The pain really started to intensify, contractions were painful plus the backache especially in my left side. Also the baby's heartbeat shot up to over 200 for quite a while and I had to have oxygen luckily things were ok.
I feel sort of ok now, I had bad piles which seems to have redcued now but the bleeding really isn't much fun as I am feeling crampy now but he is worth it. I haven't decided about posting photos yet, maybe later if we do.