Just worked something out : (


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2007
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I have just been working out my cycles and have just realised that although I am in month 21 of TTC, I am only actually on cd3 of my 12th cycle :shock: :(

Not sure how I feel :think: In one way I feel soo sad and a bit like a failure but another way I feel that it explains why we have not caught.

Stupid long cycles really do f*ck up the body :wall: :wall:

Not sure why I have wrote this just needed to get it off my chest I suppose.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: have you thought of going to a fertility place mabe clomid might get your cycles more regular?
Aww hun have a :hug:

Its good to get it off your chest on here!

We all sort of know how you feeling!

I do hope that you feel better soon, i'm here if you ever want to chat!

Anna23 said:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: have you thought of going to a fertility place mabe clomid might get your cycles more regular?

Thanks for the hugs :) Yes I am back at the specialist in Feb. I went in Oct and she was going to put me on clomid then but my cycle had just started and the one that had just ended was 23 days, so she said that with my cycle being short she will see me again in Feb. She also said that 7 days after my fertility monitor peaks I have to go for blood tests to confirm ov, but the last 2 cycles it did not peak. The 1st cycle I messed it up as I caught the on button at night so I think that messed it up. I did get a + on an opk though so I think I ov.

Will hopefully get put onto Clomid next month :pray:

Baby-Briggsy said:
Aww hun have a :hug:

Its good to get it off your chest on here!

We all sort of know how you feeling!

I do hope that you feel better soon, i'm here if you ever want to chat!


Aww Thank You :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey AJ :wave: ,
Hope the specialist can sort things out for you its all so frustrating this ttc, I just had a rant on another thread it's good to get it out plus thats what we are on here for. Have some hugs hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks LouF :hug: :hug: :hug:

I am feeling better now it was just such a shock when I worked it out. Thanks for all the hugs ladies :hug: :hug:
Aw, rant away hun - hope you feel better soon and that you get that BFP. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Gosh you have the patience of a saint to be coping with such long cycles! When mine were irregular Vitex (at least thats what I think it's called!) helped tons!
Thank you all for the hugs :hug: :hug:

Babydust to everyone :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Aww, hun, keep your chin up, its got to be your turn soon. Am keeping everything crossed for you :pray:
Corr dear, think I'd be down about it too babe. Its bad enough being 21 months but 12th cycle, mate, bless ya. Big :hug:
Aww hun sorry your feeling down. Have you tried Agnus Castus to see if it will shorten your cycles?
Hope the clinic can help you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
how rubbish!! sorry for going on about my long cycle - must have had loads of those and think I'm such a baby!
i've just realised i'm on cycle 4 in 8 months. do you think doctor will see me yet or should i wait? hate bloody long and irregular cycles. day 31 now and no ovulation in sight-aaaahhhhh. we all need a good rant hun!! :hug:
that sucks :( I've had 6 cycles in the last 13 months of all different lengths and it's frustrating, I want things to be regular in preparation for TTC but it just doesn't look like that's going to be happen.

I hope you get a BFP soon.
roseanimal said:
how rubbish!! sorry for going on about my long cycle - must have had loads of those and think I'm such a baby!

Don't be sorry at all I know how you feel with long cycles :hug: :hug: :hug:

puds said:
i've just realised i'm on cycle 4 in 8 months. do you think doctor will see me yet or should i wait? hate bloody long and irregular cycles. day 31 now and no ovulation in sight-aaaahhhhh. we all need a good rant hun!! :hug:

It might be worth going to see your dr about your long cycles :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks everyone else :hug: :hug:
aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: It's really hard with long cycles :wall: Hope you get Clomid in Feb and things will get moving for you. Lots of :hug: + :pray: for you xxx

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