just want to curl up and cry :(


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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I am so scared about being pregnant again, all I want to do is hide until i'm past 12 weeks and safe. Feel as though I could burst into tears and any second, don't know how I am going to get through the next 8 weeks. :cry:

What if it happens again? I seem to have got it in my head that being pregnant will only last til my 12 week scan then I will mc and have to start all over again, just can't get rid of the fear. xx
Oh sweetheart :hug:

It's only natural that you are going to be a bag of nerves, but you also need to remember that your hormones will make you feel more intensely too. I'm very much looking at this as my only chance to be a mummy as it took us so long and I panic over something every day and sometimes I feel like I am taking it too far with the resting that I am doing. But I seriously think that we have to do whatever we can to try and keep ourselves a little bit sane.

Is there anything you can think of that would make you feel more secure with this pregnancy? If there is then do it. I haven't taken any notice of the flippant comments from my friends and family about my worrying or "being daft" as they call it. I am doing what I feel is right for me and Bertie. My OH has been very good and makes no demands of me, he just lets me do what I think is right.

Have you spoken to your OH about your worries?

Please try to relax a little. No two pregnancies are the same xxxxxxxxxxxx
Ah Kanga, I know it's easier said than done but the safest place for babies are inside you so try and not to look for negative symptoms. It won't be necessary but I think to put your mind at ease get a reassurance scan to put your mind at ease :)

As much darling oh said to me (he is very annoying but right).... Worrying won't change anything. So stay away from google, crazy symptom spotter threads...stuff like that doesn't help&dont compare your pg with others it will make you fret more.

Sending you a huge hug!xxx
Hey honey, hope my news hasn't had any influence over your worries, please don't let my experience get to you.
The fact that it's happened to me twice in a row before 5 weeks suggests that there's something hormonally not right with me, and I'll need to get it seen to. Someone on here suggested progesterone problems, so I'll look into that.

Your baby is going to be healthy and happy and so loved! I can't wait to see your progress, you've already done so well! Your hcg is increasing and you're going to keep cooking. Please try not to worry yourself, I need to see you keep your chin up so I can be positive too!!

Big hugs :hugs: xxx
I am not doing a god job of staying away from goole! Really need to ban myself, last night I was looking at ectopic pregnancy symptoms because f the stabbing im getting on my right side. Nothing so far has made be think something is wrong, but after getting to 11 weeks before it is hard to feel as though everything is ok.

My bean stopped growing around 5 weeks last time, only pregnancy sac seen, so really want a scan to see if I do actually have a little roo actually growing this time. I know I will have to wait until at least 6 weeks before I can get one.

Babybrain I think only getting a scan done will ease my worries, and I know that is a while off yet.

I know I should be more positive this time as it all feels completely different to last time, I don't remember the cramps last time. Plus my 1st bfp wasn't until 10 days late for af last time, loads of bfn's up to this date. And this time I go and get a bfp at around 10dpo!!

I'm hoping it is just my irrational hormones making me feel like I want to cry. xx
If an early scan will help then do it, just time it right so that you see what you need to see as early as possible, I had to pay for mine but was worth every penny. If a heartbeat is picked up on an early scan then the chances of a healthy full term pregnancy shoots up to 97% so it can certainly give lots of reassurance (but it seems there's always something to plague us with worry lol)

STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE!!!!!!!! If you have any worries or questions then ask in here, am sure there's not much that hasn't been asked before hunny xxxxxxxxx
Hey honey, hope my news hasn't had any influence over your worries, please don't let my experience get to you.
The fact that it's happened to me twice in a row before 5 weeks suggests that there's something hormonally not right with me, and I'll need to get it seen to. Someone on here suggested progesterone problems, so I'll look into that.

Your baby is going to be healthy and happy and so loved! I can't wait to see your progress, you've already done so well! Your hcg is increasing and you're going to keep cooking. Please try not to worry yourself, I need to see you keep your chin up so I can be positive too!!

Big hugs :hugs: xxx

My worries have been there the whole time, even around ov time. Thinking do I really want to go through the pain again. Ur news has really knocked me back, I am surprised at how devastated I am for u, even though I can say I don't really know u. :( I really hope the doctors will help u out, I know mrsmc had 3 early mc's before getting pregnant this time. She was diagnosed with something that prevented the pregnancies somehow.

Just can't get out of my head the feeling of losing my bean last time and thinking it will happen again. I don't think I have fully grieved over my mc, so struggling now. How can I be happy about being pregnant again when I should still be pregnant with my 1st bean? xx
Book a scan at least Hun then u have somethin to look forward to instead of dwelling upon the past. As bb said, all pregnancies r different. There is nothing to say this pg won't last the duration.

Easier said than done but think happy thoughts! And ban google!!
Hey Kanga...

Sorry to read you are feeling anxious hun.....I totally understand where you are coming from, I think it is natural to feel this way after m/c. I am going to ttc soon again, and am already feeling anxious about it all, coz I know I will worry!! I like you found out about my m/c at 12 wk scan, and am told fetus probably died at 5 and a half weeks. I defo dont want to go through all that again, the hopes, and dreams and imagining a wee baby growing inside you for those first weeks, only to find out at your first scan, there is no baby :(
Like the ladies say, ask for an early scan (thats what I will be doing!!), and most of all, positive thinking all the time!!! xxx
aw hun its understandable to feel like that, it was such an upsetting time for you. i felt the same when pregnant after my mmc. I was forever stressing and teriffied to tell anyone or discuss the pregnancy but gradually got more reassured. It wont happen again hun. but please dont go on google it honestly makes things worse xxx
Big hugs Hun!
I know how you feel hunnie it's only natural to feel like you are! I was a wreck but you have to take a day at a time.
You Have the same chance as anyone at a healthy pregnancy having a mc doesn't mean u will have another!
You can always pm me if you need a chat Hun I have been there xxx

I felt the same when i got preg after my mc but u just gotta be strong and try to think positive which I know is hard and it is scary and will be scary but try keep positive xxx

thank u everyone my paranoia seems to have eased off for now. looking forward to booking an early scan :) xx
Kanga, you must try and stay positive, easier said than done I know, and I'm no role model. I panic at every twinge and then I panic when I don't feel anything. Take one day at a time, set those milestones for yourself and celebrate when you reach each one.

Like babybrain said, stay away from google and come here for reassurance or to ask questions, no matter how silly you think it might be.

Book an appointment with the doc and beg for an early scan. Hang in there chick xx PM me if you wanna talk x
Hey hun just wanted to send you lots of big :hugs: I think an early scan is a great idea, especially when you see the heartbeat and it puts your mind at ease. Like you I am worried something is going to go wrong but am really trying not to stress and we can help each other stay strong and calm. One day at a time hun xxx
Staying away from google and thinking positive. Still getting my crampy pains but not much else, other than very emotional and sore boobs in the evening, really feel really normal still. I'm probably going to regret saying this but I want symptoms!! :)

I found out I was pregnant a week ago tomorrow, one week down only 2 to go tili hopefully get a scan :)

I'm at work tomorrow so should be able to keep my mind busy, I had a day off today so I think I let my emotions get to me a bit. :) xx
This time last year I found our I was preggers with o and going through all the same emotions as u! I can totally relate and now I look at him and know why I was worried- cause in was already a mum and mums worry! Jut cause he was in my tummy don't matter! And yeah stay away from google!!

Just want to say I am thinking of you! Ur worried........ This time roo is for keeps! Positive thinking is the way forward!!! Looking back at my mc, from about 5 weeks I didn't feel confident about the pg, I said that to may mate. I think instinictivly I just knew something wasn't right! Once a hb is found ur perentive chance of mc reduces to 3 percent! Unfortunately I was in that 3 percent but my dh was givena leaflet called men and mc, which said that chances of two in a row are 2.75 percent!! Even better odds!! I know that lots of girls here will have been in that percentage, but........ Lots are not!!! U r gonna keep this roo!!!! Coz 'anga needs a roo!! I can feel it! Xxx
aww bless ya kanga i know exactly how you feel, i have been havin good days and bad days, i just want to be able to have a peek in my tummy and see that my bean is there and growing grrr, i have thought of trying to get an early scan just so i know all is going ok and to put my mind at ease so i think its deffo a good idea hun! like the other ladies have said we need to keep positive...this time our beans are for keeps :) hugs xx
I am so scared about being pregnant again, all I want to do is hide until i'm past 12 weeks and safe. Feel as though I could burst into tears and any second, don't know how I am going to get through the next 8 weeks. :cry:

What if it happens again? I seem to have got it in my head that being pregnant will only last til my 12 week scan then I will mc and have to start all over again, just can't get rid of the fear. xx

Aww Kanga I feel exactly the same.

I had a M/C at 8 weeks in May and the fell pregnant again Mid September (when I signed up here) but that was a chemical pregnancy.

I would suggest that you get a private scan at 7 weeks hun, for that reassurance. My EPU said they will scan me then due to what happened back in May.

I just want to get to week 7 hun and see a heartbeat - only at that point will I feel as though this pregnancy is real.

I think that 7 week scan will really break the whole "12 week worry" issue for you?

I have had bleeds just around 5 weeks so to get to week 6 without any problems is all I can hope for during the next few weeks. Then I'll hope for a healthy scan at 7 weeks and then I'll begin to think about 12 weeks.

I am taking baby steps and trying not to get so excited.

But whilst I am pregnant I am going to try and accept that I am :shock:


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