Just Wanna Shout...It's Not Fair!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Had a phone call last night from my sister in-law. To tell me she was pregnant. It was a very awkward call, whilst i tried to muster as much enthusiasm as i could, i hope she didnt pick up on my ugly jealousy :mad:

Thing is she is 1 of these parents that lets her child run wild and allows every1 else to raise him whilst she sits on her bum. But regardless of what i think, and i'm not the only1, i did the whole 'hey congratualtions, well done, so how far along are you?' She's 12 weeks and only started trying at xmas!!

Last week whilst walking the dogs my mum tells me my aunty is pregnant too, she's 41, hasnt even been trying, has 2 young lads which run her wild. So she has decided to terminate the pregnancy. Not sure how i feel about this, pee'd off that some1 who doesnt actually want a baby can fall, but i get her circumstances are difficult.

Then 1 of my 'friends' who i havent spoken to since she moved, about 2 years ago, who nows about us trying to concieve and who knows i would love another boy. Decided to pop up on facebook to announce she's pregnant and having a boy.

It feels like the whole world is getting pregnant except me, mean while i'm sat here with the period from hell, just hoping it will ease up soon :cry::wall:

Urgh....can't wait for this day to end so i can go back to bed :nap:

Rant over now, sorry ladies x x
Hugs Hun x

I'm dreading another family member telling me they are expecting it will break me!
Oh hun we all know how u feel. Some people don't realise how lucky they are.
:hugs: I know how this feels - my sister and bf both got pg ntnp after 1 month whilst I had been trying over a yr x they both have had their babies last month and I'm still trying :(

You have to summon the strength from somewhere xx it's worse when u have af at mo too xx it was hard but I managed it just :)
My borther and his partner tried for one month last year and they have just had their baby boy. It is hard, some days are better than others, but I live in hope that it will be my turn one day.

Gizzy xxx
Its tough when you have a day like this but we all have them and this is a fab place when you do as we all understand.

Ive been trying for a yr now and in that time my bf is pg, a young girl at work is pg and my sis got pg and had a termination in feb which was the hardest thing for our whole family but you just have to pop a smile on your face and think one day soon it will be my turn and all the waiting will be worth while.

Big hug to you.

Michelle. x

I know how you feel everyone is ruddy well having babies!

One of my hubby's friends came over at the weekend with his 6 month old son and was like you two really need to get one - i wanted to strangle him and scream don't you think we are trying!!!


It's not fair, it sucks. But you have us :-) xxx
Ahhhh Hun I know the feeling. I've got 3 family members pregnant one just given birth. Had a baby shower the other week. A friend preggers with one ovary after only one month of trying. It feels like everyone but me.

I hope we all get there one day xx
Feeling your pain too hun. 2 girls in my office are pg, my bf is pg with her 2nd, friends of ours just had their 2nd and other friends announced they are expecting their 2nd the other week. I burst into tears when oh told me! It seems so bloody simple for everyone else sometimes!! That's why this place is so lovely! xxx
Awww thanks for the messages ladies, they cheered me up. Its nice to know theres other ladies out there who understand after being forced into the same position. Although obviously i wish you all weren't in this position!! :)

I really was having a i feel sorry for myself day yesterday, at work last night and 1 of the ladies i care for asked what was up and i broke down!! Blurted everything out, poor woman, she was lovely tho didnt try to tell me 'she understood' didnt say 'it'll happen eventually' just sat and listened. Ha how embarrassing :blush:

I feel a bit better today. Think i just needed to let off steam, you can only bottle things up so long!

But i have my game plan for this month, smep, pregnacare, bbt, c+ and opks!! I will find that egg and fertilise it :lol:
i have had the same thing. I found out that I'd had a mmc at 12 weeks one day and the next day my sis in law confirmed her 12 week scan had gone hunkydory. They had only tried one month and got pregant straight away whereas we'd tried for 6 months got pregnant, lost it tired for another 8 months got pregnant lost it. It seems really unfair. My sis in law hasn't got a clue with any of it either and she was moaning at 4 month pregnant how heavy her tummy was......erm....moaning to the wrong person love. Since then there has been a bit of baby boom in work but unfortunately I'm not one of them. I'm so frustrated with it all.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking this way though! :)

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