Just sooooo paranoid!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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My boobs just haven't hurt for about the last 4/5 days.. Im due for my proper 12 week scan on friday at 12.45 and im convincing myself that its not alive anymore, i cant stop thinking it, i know you'll all probably tell me to just chill but how can i when i feel like i did when i miscarried the last time, my sickness has prety much gone too..... Can someone please put my mind at rest and tell me they felt the same at about 10 weeks.... :pray:
im feeling the same at the moment, did'nt really get many symptoms in the 1st tri ect, my boobs hurt one minute but then don't hurt for a few days and i start to worry. i keep worrying about my bump size too. so i kinda know how you feel, i had a late m/c in january and im so scared this time im going to go for my scan on tuesday and bubs has died again.
sorry im not much help am i?
but im sure you and me will be fine at our scans, good luck hun :hug: :hug:
lets hope so eh... :pray: :pray: .. I would just like to get past the 12 week scan and see my little bean with a nice strong heartbeat and then i think i'l be ok... :pray:
I know you feel girls, Im 6 weeks but cant help worrying that the slightest cramp is that im miscarrying, keep checking when i wipe for blood. Got an early scan on Monday, and internal one because i had cramps Yesterday. OH is telling me im being a worry pot but I just want my Bean to be safe and happy in my tummy.
Try not to worry Sunshine. I'm only a few days further along than you, and at 10 weeks my morning sickness eased off a lot and i really panicked. It came back a few days later, but has just changed a bit, so now it's slightly less worse but still comes in the afternoon. Certainly not as severe as it was before. Also, my bobs don't really hurt either. They're still bigger, but only really hurt at night when i take my bra off, and then they feel tender. I keep poking them to check and if i do that they're a bit tender, but not really bad (which it seems many women's are)

I've got my 12 week scan on Thursday and am worrying too. Its natural. I just want Thursday to come ASAP. I sooo want to feel excited and happy about this pregnancy, and won't really allow myself to unless i see a healthy baby at 12 weeks. A previous m/c has really made me so paranoid this time round!
Hi Sunshine - I was exactly the same at 10 weeks too! in fact I was just looking at a post I made at that time before I read yours!

My symptoms had pretty much stopped in week 9 and I couldn't tell if anything I was feeling was real or whether I was convincing myself of the way I was feeling (if that makes sense?!). I'd had a scan at 7 weeks where everything was fine following a bleed, then I couldn't cope with the anxiety so booked a private scan at 10 weeks -the reassurance lasted about a day before I started to panic again, then I bled again and went for another scan at 11+6 where everything was fine again so they used that as my dating scan. But still I have only just in the last few days started to relax and think maybe everything will be ok this time!

I know it's really really hard but prob the best thing is to try and distract yourself and think happy positive thoughts!

I had this advice via email from an online 'ask a midwife' service...

The pregnancy hormone HCG rises rapidly throughout the early weeks and this is thought to be the cause for many of the early pregnancy symptoms such as sickness , tiredness and sore breasts. Levels of HCG peak around 8-10 weeks and this will vary from woman to woman.

Once levels have peaked they start to fall and then plateau and for some women as the levels start to fall pregnancy symptoms may also reduce or disappear completely. So the fact that you no longer feel so tired or as sick does not necessarily mean that something is wrong. Some women do not experience any symptoms whatsoever. As you have not experienced any pain or bleeding this should be viewed as a positive sign.

If you still have concerns do have a chat with your doctor or midwife.

I hope that helps to reassure you a bit - and I am sure you'll be fine xxxx
I was just going to say above, your hcg is levelling of now so you wont be getting great rises and youre heading into the radiant and blooming stage :hug:
Oh thanks girls, well i'll find out good or bad on friday i guess.. Fingers crossed for me eh..x..

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