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Jun 15, 2005
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Hi there! recently found out I'm pregnant - 6 weeks - and keep reading about all the horrible stuff I should be experiencing .... sickness, tiredness, sore breasts, hormones raging etc, and just wondering if it normal to feel unpregnant? Had 3 positive tests (including one at GP) yet still feel absolutely normal. Also having difficulty with accepting whther done the right thing and whether I was ready for it - we were trying, just didn't expect it to happen in one go! My mum passed away 2 months ago and this would have been her first grandchild so I guess that has affected my reaction slightly. When i explained my fears to a friend she said that it may be that we have rushed in a bit soon after my mum and may be it wasn't the right time to try (we decided to try before she died but put it on hold for a couple of months afterwards). When I read these messages everyone seems ecstatic straight away which makes me question whether I'm ready. Does anyone else have doubts? Is this just nerves?
Hiya Fee

I'm sorry about your mum..it is a very difficult time and emotions are likely to sway from day to day.

A lot of women have mixed feelings at the beginning of pregnancy. You now have a life growing inside you and that takes a lot to get your head around...you know that your life is about to change...hopefully for the better!! Yes, although a lot of the women on this site seem ecstatic, I'm sure many of them have also had the question of "am I ready to be a mum yet" or "how will this affect my life or relationship?".

If it feels too soon for you now...I'm sure you'll grow used to the idea that you have a new little angle on the way. You had obviously planned for your pregnancy, although it has arrived a little earlier than expected, so I think you know in your heart of hearts that the time is indeed right :)

Good Luck with your pregnancy, the girls on this site are brilliant at offering advice...I learn something new each time I visit this site :D

Thanks for your support. I'm sure it will get easier when I can tell everyone about my pregnancy but at this stage when few people know it is very isolating. My husband is very supportive but is too excited to understand my reservations at the moment - he's just bursting to tell everyone and I keep having to rein him back in! The hardest thing so far was telling my Dad - whilst he is delighted he is obviously upset that my Mum won't be here for it and I can't help but think I should have waited a bit longer before telling him, I guess I was hoping it would give him something to look forward to and I know it will but not just at the moment.
I feel better already just browsing through this site and seeing how supportive everyone is to one another - give me a couple of weeks and I think I'll be there - I'm sure once I have my first scan I'll be as excited as the hubby...although that might be unhealthy for the baby judging by his reaction to it all!!
Awww.I'm glad your hubbie is supportive. :D

Look forward to hearing from you again soon

i am realy sorry to hear about your mum,

i just wanted to let you know that i have only just become excited about it i was sooooo nervous, you are not the only one to feel this way trust me

Well we had been planning this for 18 months and it happened on the first try which shocked the hell out of us and send us into a state of mixed emotions that we didn't expect.

The emotions have gone like this shock - hysteria - disbelief - wondering what we had done - nervousness - utter terror - massive excitement - real joy.

I am pretty sure that everyone feels like this when it actually happens.

For example two weeks ago i was really panicking that i wasn't feeling broody, but I have since stopped worrying and just taking each day as it comes.

Hope this helps


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